Chapter 24

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It's been 6 months since I first kissed Emily, 6 months since I met Kenna. Even though we weren't together for that 2 and a half months it still feels like we haven't been apart in those 6 months,

I haven't told my family about her yet, it's not that I'm ashamed it's just growing up in a small town I don't know how they will react to her being a women,

It's been 2 months since we have decided to get back together though and things are going great, we plan on telling the team today,I have been staying over at Emily's a lot more now as well

It's the middle of May now. Kenna has less than a month left of school. I turn 30 next month and Emily 31 a couple months after in October and Kenna will be 16 in September,

Instead of sleeping in this morning like I had planned I got woken up by my phone going off, looking at the caller ID it's my mother, I mean we have a good relationship but after Roslyn died we haven't been the same and that was almost 20 years ago now,


"Hey Jenny, it's mom, Did I wake you?"

"No it's okay"

"Oh okay well I was calling to tell you dad and I will be coming to see you next week"

"I don't know when I have another break mom, we work all the time"

"Agent Hotchner said you were off next week"

"When did you talk to my boss?"

"Last night, come on Jenny we haven't see you in almost a year"

"Yea I know, and I'm sorry. I'll see you next week"

"Perfect! We can't wait to see you.'love you Jenny"

"Love you too mom, bye bye"'

I put my phone on the night stand in roll back over into Emily until we had to get up for work, she put her arm around me and pulled me into her

"Who was that?" She ask

"My mom, her and my dad are coming to visit next week since we have off" I tell her

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Yea, it's been almost a year since I have seen them." I reply

"You and Kenna want to meet them? I mean we have been together for 6 months minus the Will thing but that doesn't count, I totally understand if you don't want too I get it, I shouldn't -"

"Jennifer" she chuckles

"I would love to meet your family" she assures me

"Are you sure?" I ask her

"Do you not want me too?" She ask sitting up

"It's not that it's just, I'm not out to my family.. and I don't want them to say anything in front of you or Makenna" I say and she wipes the single tear that had fallen

"Jennifer, I understand, you can wait if you want, but if you want us to meet them we would be happy too, just let me know, okay?" She ask, she doesn't sound mad at me for expressing my worries but compassionate instead

"I want you too, and if my family doesn't like it then we can take our week and do something fun" I tell her giving her a kiss

"I don't think you have to worry so much" she tells me

"We need to get up, go wake Kenna and I'll be in the shower" I say and got up to start getting ready for work

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