Chapter 14

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Almost 2 weeks since Emily and I ended things. I know I hurt her when I told her I just wanted to be friends but it's not fair to me that when every she feels upset she is going to blow things off. I still talk to Kenna nothing like it was before. I guess her and Emily made up which is great.

I wish things at the office could go back to normal, it sucks not seeing Derek mess with Spencer and Emily and Derek messing around.

Even though we aren't together we agreed to be friends, so today I brought something to work that ought to bring everyone out of this silence.

I sit in my office waiting for everyone to get in while I pull out my newly bought Nerf Gun, I load it up and while everyone is working on paperwork I slowly open the door and shoot down at Emily, and Derek, I didn't want to shoot Spence so I just shot his desk, the three of them jump up and look around and I just bust out laughing and keep shooting until they notice

"JJ! You could seriously hurt someone with that, I don't even know why they have them for kids" Spencer says

"Really Jayje" Emily laughs throwing the ball bullets back to me

"Damn good aim though" Derek smiles

"I hope you know I'll be getting you back for that" Emily smile and Derek agreed

"What? No! You are not children" Spencer says seriously which causes us all to laugh and Penelope comes out

"Aww I missed this, what made you guys laugh" Pen smiles giving Emily a hug

"She shot us" Derek and Em both say

"Anyone want to get lunch?" I ask and everyone agrees, we even got Hotch to come with us,

We went to a cafe around the block and we all talked and we're still laughing about the little shooting incident, we'll all but Spencer

"How's Kenna been Em? Haven't seen her in a while" Pen ask

"She's good, we went through a rough patch but she's great, actually had a house full last night" Emily says

"You should bring her by the office, I need someone on my side about you guys acting childish" Spencer says

"I mean if it's okay with Hotch I'll call her and tell her she can come by after school and I hate to break it to you but she's just as childish" she smiles

"I think we all are pretty much caught up on paperwork so it's up to you if you want her to stop by" Hotch says and she nods walking out of the cafe

Emily's POV

Today was probably the most interactive the team as been in a while, before the incident everyone was getting pretty close with Kenna, I'm glad they still are, I was happy when Hotch said she could come by I know she wants to see Spencer and Derek for sure,

"Hey mom"

"Hey love, I was calling to see if you wanted to come to the office after school, I can come pick you up"

"Yea but actually Grant was going to take me home so can he just come too?"

"Sure, also stop by the store and pick up some Nerf guns"

"For what?"

"I will tell you later"

"Okay love you bye"

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