Chapter 12

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Emily's POV

I just left the office after talking with Garcia and heading to JJs to get Kenna, it's almost 11 now so I hope they are awake,

When I reach her building and her apartment to knock on the door a sleepy JJ opens it up

"She is asleep" she says when I walk in

"Okay....JJ I'm sorry" I start

"No, I don't want to hear it. Do you want me to wake Kenna? Or just drop her off in the morning?" She ask

"Will you at least let me talk?" I ask and she shakes her head

"No. Emily it's almost midnight, I'm exhausted, your daughter is exhausted. Like you said in my office you're done, I asked you so many times and each time you said you weren't leaving, I don't know if you just had a bad day or whatever but I don't care, that doesn't give you an excuse to yell at me for no reason and especially you're child, she did nothing wrong. Now again do you want me to wake her or just drop her off in the morning" she says coldly

"Okay. You can drop her off tomorrow if that's okay with you" I say and she nods

"Goodnight Emily" she says and closes the door when I walked out

When I reach my car I get in and just sit there, I really messed up, I think. I don't even want to go home so I just went back to the office to do some more paperwork


The next morning I woke up around 8 and decided to make a quick breakfast for Kenna and I, she gets up not too long after

"Whatever your making smells really good" she says coming to the kitchen

"Why thank you" I smile putting some food on a plate for her

"I thought my mom was coming?" She says

"She did, but I told her I would just take you home this morning since it was already late last night" I tell her and she nods

"What's going to happen now?" She ask

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if you aren't dating you won't be at the house all the time like you usually are, I won't be able to see you as often anymore" she says looking down at her plate

"I know, I'm sorry. But I promise you I'm not leaving you, I may not be with your mom anymore but I'm not leaving you, I will always be here when you want to talk or if you want to go get out nails done again, although I think nails is a bad idea for my line of work so I might have to stick with the pedicure" I joke and she smiles



"I love you, thank you for being an amazing person in my life" she says

"I love you too Kenna" I say getting up to give her a hug, Emily texted and said she just got home from the office so I guess she didn't go home last night at all

"Are you ready to go home?" I ask her

"No, I don't want to see my mom" she says putting her plate in the sink


"Because, she never thinks of anyone but herself. She doesn't have a clue what she is doing, I hate it" she says

"I know, but she loves you very very much" I try to reassure her and she laughs

"No she doesn't," she says

" she does," I tell her and she shakes her head

"Whatever, but yea I'm ready" she says and I frown getting up and grabbing my keys

Emily's Secret (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now