Chapter 34

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"Hey Hey baby I need you to keep your eyes open okay? I love you Emily and Kenna loves you and you need to come home to us, I need you to come home so we can grow old together, I need you Emily please baby stay awake" I cry holding her hand until she loses grip and the paramedics come and take her, shocking her as they put her on the stretcher,

We get to the hospital soon followed by Pen and Kenna, Kenna runs over to me hugging me and I wipe her tears, after hours of waiting her doctor finally comes out

"Mrs.Prentiss" he says walking over to me

"Do you want to go somewhere more private?" He ask

"No, we're all her family" I say and he nods

"Okay, when your wife came in she had two bullet wounds through her abdomen, one lacerated her stomach and the other through her liver, she had lost a lot of blood. Coded twice on the table and we were able to restart her heart, unfortunately on the third time despite our best efforts and we did everything we could but we couldn't bring her back, I'm so sorry your wife died on the table" he explains

No she didn't, she couldn't have. We just got married we were just starting our life together how is this possible? They were supposed to protect her! Have her back, now what? Kenna just lost her mother and I lost my wife

"JJ" Derek says placing his hand on my shoulder

"No! This is your fault! You were supposed to have her back, you were supposed to keep her safe, Three of you, there were three of you and still, still my wife is dead, I can't be here with you right now" I cry and walk out of the waiting room, followed my Kenna her crying into my stomach

"I'm so sorry Kenna" I say trying to wipe my tears but failing

"She's really gone," she cries

"Yea" I say and hug her tighter, she eventually cried herself to sleep, but my mind can't stop racing, if they would have gotten the guy when she noticed him then she would be alive but no, she's dead and he's free.  Pen eventually came out to us, we were outside sitting on one of the benches, luckily for us tonight the weather has been everywhere so it's not too cold, Emily always liked the cooler weather,

"Jayje" she whispers and sits down with me, and takes my hand in hers while my other is still wrapped around Kenna

"I I can't be in a room with them, they should have had her back" I say

"Jayje no one could have seen this coming" she explains

"I seen the gun, if I could see it I know they could have" I defend myself

"I quit" I whisper

"You can't quit" she says

"I do, I quit" I say and Kenna wakes up laying her head on my chest

"I want to go home" she says and I nod

"Goodbye Pen" I say and Kenna and I walk to the car and drive home, I sent an email directly to Strauss to say I was quitting and that was that,

Kenna and I walked in the house but didn't move from the door, the memories are too much all the fun we had in here, Emily's scent lingering throughout the house,

"Can I stay in your room?" She ask me

"Yea of course" I say and we make our way up to my room, I got our a pair of Emily's clothes for the both of us to change into and we climbed into bed

"It doesn't seem real" she says

"No, No it doesn't" I sigh

The next few days were kind of a blur, the same thing all day, Kenna didn't get out of bed and to be honest neither did I, I tried to get her to eat and she wouldn't but that was my fault for not eating as well,

Today's Emily's service, the first day I would be seeing the team since the hospital. They have texted and called but I ignored them all, Pen even came to the house but we didn't interact, it was hard without Emily. Different. My parents are coming down for her service, I didn't tell them she died so I'm guessing it was Pen,

"You ready?" I ask Kenna after we had gotten dressed and she nodded.
Grant had taken some time off of school to be there for Kenna and I know she appreciates it, he just pulled up to the house and we all loaded into the car,

"Jenny" I hear my mom behind me as we stand there with Emily's casket in front of us

"Mom" I turn around and she pulls me into a hug,

Kenna standing in Grants arms, the team shows up next, Pen crying and the men standing uneasy,

Emily's parents were the last ones to show and we started the memorial, after they lowered her casket Kenna and I stayed behind to say our last goodbyes as everyone left, Kenna said goodbye to her mom one last time and walked away with Grant,

"Hey, I know it's only been a couple days but I miss the hell out of you Em,  it's hard, like really hard and I know it's not going to get any better, Grant has been there for Kenna and I'm happy she has him, I promise to look after her, I love you baby, forever and always" I say and walk away to find everyone else

Makennas POV

It's not fair. It's not fair that my mom is gone and she left me, it's not fair that I'm mad at her that she left me, it's hard to hate the victim but she did. She left me, I have JJ though, she's like my mom. The only parent I have left anyways, I am a lot like my mom though. I don't express my feeling I bottle them up and work through them myself. Grant is trying to be supportive but it feels like I'm suffocating,

I am going back to school next week, JJ doesn't know and I'm sure she isn't going to be happy I'm not taking time off but I need to put my mind on something else rather than this,

We got back to the house where everyone was and it was just too much, they were just going to put my moms picture on the wall at the office and go on like nothing happened, I heard them talking. The guy who killed my mom is still out there. Are they even trying to find him?

I leave everyone and go up to my room to my bathroom where I kept a little familiar little blade, I haven't cut myself since My mom and JJ broke up and I promised Oakley I wouldn't do it again but right now I would rather feel anything then the emptiness of my mom gone

"Kenna" I hear and look up, Grant was standing in the doorway and in my hand was the blade, I wanted to put it down but I couldn't, it's like my mind wanted me to continue

"Look at me" he says gently and sits down in front of me

"Good, Can I have that?" He ask and I nod but I couldn't give it to him my arm was frozen, he reached up and took it easily out of my hands and I collapse in his arms and cry and cry until I can't no more

"I can't do this" I sniffle

"Yes you can, I will be here every step of the way" he says calmly and runs his fingers through my hair

"I'm sorry" I say

"It's okay don't be sorry, you didn't do it" he says

"But I would have if you didn't come in, and I don't think I could have stopped" I say

"But you didn't, let's not focus on what could have happened but focus on what didnt" he says and I nod

"Thank you, for everything"

Till next time ❤️

Have a great day🥰

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