Chapter 16

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Kenna's POV

We have all been drinking a little now and playing some board games while listening to some music,

"Guys! My mom is calling everyone shut up" I laugh


"Hey babes how's it going?"

"Good, we are just watching tv"

"Did everyone come over?"


"All right well we are turning in for the night, I love you"

"Love you too"

"She suspect anything?" Grant ask

"No I don't think so"

"Good," Lyla says

"Yea, give me a drink" I say taking the cup from Grant and drink king the rest of what was in the cup, The drinking distracts my mind from everything else, I don't have to worry about anything else

"This is a one time thing" I tell them refilling my drink

"Agreed" Oakley says

Emily's POV

"Everything okay?" Morgan says in the Hotel lobby before heading to our rooms

"Yea, it's just Kenna." I sigh

"Is she okay?" He ask

"Yea, she is home alone with a bunch of teenagers" I say

"Oh wow" he chuckles

"I'm sure she is fine" he says

"Yea, anyway goodnight Derek" I say leaving him and heading to my room to drop my things off.

The next morning we met with the local police and went over the case, we met with many people and and went to the different crime scenes and at the end of the day we were able to save Keller and reunite him with his family and now we are heading home a little earlier than expected,

"You ready to see how trashed your house is?" JJ jokes

"JJ that's not funny. I swear that girl better have not done anything stupid or I swear she will never leave the house" I sigh rubbing my temples

I got home and everyone had done left I guess so it would  just be Kenna home now,

"Makenna I'm home" I yell walking into the house and she is asleep on the couch. Odd. But I let it slide going up to my room before waking her up

"Kenna" I say shaking her slightly to wake her

"What?" She says covering her head up with the blanket

"Do you feel alright?" I ask her

"Yea I'm fine" she mumbles rolling over

"Okay" I say getting up to clean up a little bit, I cleaned up my room and the game room and then back to the living room before cleaning up the kitchen,  a few hours later and Makenna is still asleep on the couch so I decided to call JJ


"Hey, the house still in one piece?"

"Haha Yea, what are you up to?"

"Nothing really, you?"

"Yea same here. Makenna is asleep and I just cleaned up a bit. I was actually wondering if you would still want to come to the gala with me next week?"

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