Part 21

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2 months later


Will and I were official now, it's getting pretty serious, The entire team now knows we are together. Emily still doesn't "accept" it. She will roll her eyes but subtly so only I notice when she does it. We still haven't had sex and that's on me, sex with Emily was special and amazing and I don't think I'm ready to take that step with with Will yet

Emily doesn't even try to hide wanting me back, she makes jokes all the time even around the team, and I want too, I'm sure if she actually asked me to be her girlfriend again I would say yes, I just would feel bad about Will,

"JJ" Emily sings coming up behind me

"Oh hey" I smile

"Want to come over for dinner tonight? Kenna's idea" she says and I roll my eyes

"Kenna's idea huh?" I smirk

"Mmhm" she smiles

"Sure, what time?" I ask her

"5 work for you?" She ask

"Perfect" I smile and she puts her hand on my shoulder before walking away.

Emily's POV

I'm glad JJ agreed to come to dinner. She has gotten closer to Will. Ew. But also we have became a lot closer again.

Today is Friday and school was canceled due to a teacher work day,

"Hey Hotch you mind if I go ahead and head home?" I ask him

"Not at all go ahead" he says and I head home to Makenna

"Makenna in home" I yell walking into the house

"In my room" she replies and I walk upstairs to her room, she is laying on her bed on her phone

"What's up?" I ask her

"Nothing just my stomach hurting" she says

"Oh, do you feel sick?" I ask

"No mom, just cramps". She chuckles

"Oh, did you take any medicine" I ask her and she nods

"Yea, anyway why are you home early?" She ask me

"Oh, we had a light day and Hotch said I could come home, also JJ is coming for dinner" I say and she jumps up

"Really? Did she break up with her boyfriend?" She Ask

"Yea really and no" I say

"Oh, what's for dinner?" She ask

"I was going to order from that Italian place we always eat at" I tell her and she nods

"Yay" she smiles and I shake my head walking out.


"Makenna I'm going to pick up the food, do you want to ride?" I ask her grabbing my keys

"Yea I'm coming" she yells from upstairs and runs down to meet me

"What time is JJ coming over?" She ask me in the car

"Around 5 why?" I tell her

"I was just wondering" she smiles and we continue our way to the restaurant,

"Okay I'll be right back" I say getting out of the car and walking in to get the food I had ordered previously.

When I got back in the car Kenna was on the phone with someone smiling

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