Chapter 58

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"I don't want to leave yet" Kenna complains. Today is our last day in Bora Bora, this is where she chose vacation. Our flight leaves tonight and let's just say everyone does not want to go home. A week just wasn't enough

Spencer and Pen hung out most of the time and Emily and Derek talked and I was able to talk to Savannah about her pregnancy, she looks amazing almost 9 months pregnant. I really want this for Emily and I.

It's the first week of august and Kenna starts school up again in 3 weeks and she turns 17 next month, only one more year until she is an adult. Makes me feel really old. My birthday was 2 weeks ago on our break from vacations and Emily made it very special, and the sex... yea that was good too.

"I know.. me either" I say finally replying to Kenna's comment

"We could stay, move away from D.C and just live here" she suggest with a serious look on her face and I chuckle

"You have school, and we have work. Plus you would miss Grant" I say and she sighs

"Well obviously Grant would live with us" she smiles and I shake my head

"We have 6 hours until we leave for the airport, let's make the most of it" i says and she smiles and takes my hand pulling me out into the water

"I like this better than Hawaii" she says

"I don't know, I got proposed to in Hawaii" I smile thinking of that very fond memory with Emily

"That's also when Penelope scarred me for life" she says with a disgusted face and I laugh

"I don't know what you are talking about" I say

"Sure sure" she she says rolling her eyes

"are you guys coming?" I yell back to the shore where everyone was just standing there talking and Emily steps away and comes out to Kenna and I

"Hi baby" I smile and give her a kiss

"Okay I'm standing right here" Kenna says

"You're full of it today" I tell her,

We spent about 3 hours total in the water and a little bit of time tanning.

We had a little more time left and we all decided to check out the local shops and get a few things for back home;

Grant, Oakley and Kenna walked together,

Derek and Savannah were together and pen and Spencer were in front of everyone while Pen was dragging him into every shop

Emily and I stayed back and I held her hands as we looked over everything

"I'm going to miss it here... we could just move" Emily suggest with the same look Makennas had on earlier

"Your daughter said the exact same thing" I smile and kiss her cheek

"Great minds think alike" she smirks

We just arrived in D.C and said goodbye to everyone as we got into our car and Emily drove us home after dropping Oakley and Grant off at their houses

When we got home we spent a good bit of time unpacking

Once we got done the three of us laid in our bed and watched a movie together, when the movie ends Makenna closes her eyes and snuggles up to Emily

"What are you doing?" Emily chuckles

"Shh I'm sleeping" she replies and Emily shakes her head as we all get comfortable and she turns out the lights

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