Chapter 15

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Emily's POV

Today was my lunch "date" with JJ. I know she wants to be nothing more than friends and I respect her decision. To a certain point,

Grant just picked up Kenna and they went to school as I headed into the office.


I get into work early as usual, I get in my office and drink my coffee having some quiet time to myself before the rest of the team get here. Today is my lunch with Emily and I'm excited, I'm glad we are going back to being friends again.

Not too long after the voices of the rest of team fill the room and I smile thinking of my family,

"Yo JJ" Derek yells and I walk out

"Yea?" I say down to him

"Someone's got a secret admirer" he says motioning to bouquet of flowers, I look over to Emily and it seems as if there is a hint of jealousy in her eyes which makes me quietly chuckle as I walk down to Derek and grab the note that accompanied the flowers,

"Who's it from?" He ask

"Um Will actually. It's not the first time he had left things, he want me to go out with him" I tell the team and Emily scoffs

"Is there something you want to say Emily?" I smirk at her

"Nope nothing" she smiles back sitting down at her desk, I take the flowers up to my office and set them on my desk finishing the last of my paperwork,

Lunch time rolls around and I walk out to meet Emily by her car

"Ready?" She ask and I nod Getting in the passenger seat

"Emily just to be clear-"

"Yes I know we are only doing this as friends" she cuts me off

"Okay" I smile as we pull into the cafe,

We eat and laugh and talk,

"I really missed laughing with you" she says

"Me too" I smile

"You'll have to come over for dinner one night, I know Kenna misses you" she tells me

"Aww I miss her too, I have texted her but her replies are usually vague" I say

"Hmm, really now?" She says and I nod

"Yea" I say and she skakes her head,

"We should head back" I say and she agrees as we head back to the office

Not after being back in the office for 10 minutes Hotch comes in and says we have a case

"You are heading to the good state of New York my fellows. Local department called saying they have a missing 10 year old boy. Keller James, 3rd one in a span of 3 months, the unsub takes them keeps them for a week and a half then disposes their body, in a park in the middle of the night, each boy has blonde hair with brown eyes, their bodies are placed on one of the playing equipment around the park,  Keller was reported missing this morning and they are requesting our help to get him home safely" Garcia explains

"Wheels up in 30" Hotch says and we all dismiss

Emily's POV

Before we load the jet I step away to call Makenna

"Hey baby"

"Hey mom, you do know I have school right?"

"Yea sorry about that I'm calling to let you know we are heading to New York for a case,  be safe and be good,"

"Okay, be safe, can my friends stay the night while you're gone"

"I will and if it's okay with their parents that there will be no parents there than sure, but Makenna don't do anything stupid or it won't happen again"

"Okay I promise not to do anything stupid, I love you , be safe and go save a life"

"I love you too have fun at school"

I get off the phone and load the jet sitting next to JJ

"Did you call Kenna?" She ask

"Yea, she asked if she could have friends over" I mumble

"You're brave to say yes to a house full of teenagers without an adult" she laughs

"Oh what did I do" I sigh and she just chuckles

" I told her if she does anything stupid it won't happen again" I sigh again

"Kenna's a smart girl I'm sure they will make smart decisions" she says

"Yea thats true" I reply before Hotch takes over

"Okay let's go over what we know" Hotch says and Gracia comes pump on the laptop as we go over all of our intel

Kenna's POV

Just got off the phone with my mom and she said she'll be gone the rest of the week, it's Wednesday now so she will probably be back by the weekend,

I sit next to Oakley in our last class and told her she could come over if she wanted. I also sent a text to the group chat

Private 6

Kenna:Heyy guys my mom is in New York if y'all want you can come over
Lyla:I have to get dinner with my parents but I'll try and come after
Grant:Yea I'll be there,
Micah:Can I bring some Alcohol
Oakley:where are you getting alcohol
Micah: I mean my parents have a stash
Kenna:you know how much trouble I'll be in if my mom finds out? I won't be able to leave the house until I die
Micah:so is that a no?
Kenna: I mean sure, buttt we better not get caught
Vic: y'all we are a bad influence on Kenna
Lyla:yea we are hahaha
Kenna: I'm so innocent compared to y'all

I sent that last message before my teacher interrupted me

"Makenna put your phone on my desk" he says, does he really think I'm going to be giving him my phone

"Miss Prentiss" he says again

"Im sorry sir but I'm not giving you my phone, but I will put it away" I say putting it in my book bag

"Just Go to the office, I don't have enough time for this " he says and I stand up making my way to the office and letting the rest of the guys know

"Miss.Prentiss, what can I do for you" Mr.Matthews says

"Um Mr.Billard told me to come down here since I wouldn't give him my phone" I tell the headmaster

"We're you on you're phone during class?" He ask and I hesitantly nodded

"Protocol for when kids get sent to the office is to call the parent so I'm afraid I'm going to have to call your mom" he says

"She won't answer, she is on a plane to New York"  I tell him and he sighs

"Okay, well I guess I will let this one slide Makenna, next time you end up in my office you'll have detention and I will call your mom understood?" He says

"Yes sir" I sigh

"Okay well have a seat school is over in 15 minutes" he says walking away, I just sink down in my seat until the end of the day where I meet up with Oakley and we head back to my house,

Vic and Lyla show up together not too long after and Oakley goes home to get clothes and when she gets back Micah is the next to arrive

"I brought the goods" he says walking in

Last is Grant who shows up at 6

"Are we ready to have some fun?" Vic asked and we all grabbed a bottle of alcohol

My mom is going to kill me

Rebellious Prentiss's

Till next time ❤️

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