Chapter 67

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I'm so excited! Emily isn't but I am. I am finally completely cleared and can go back to being a field agent. Now since Emily is my boss she can keep me from doing that but she knows if she does she will be sleeping on the couch. Forever.

We also talked about the baby's godparents and we decided on Penelope and Derek , we are planning on asking them today and we got Derek a Rolex and Penelope on the other hand we got her a diamond necklace that Makenna has actually helped us pick out,

It's was 7 now and the three of us are sitting at the table having breakfast,

"You know what would be crazy?" Makenna ask

"With you it's hard to tell" Emily chuckles

"If I was pregnant at the same time as you" she says and Emily shoots her head up

"What?" She ask

"I mean I'm not, I'm just saying" she says

"That's not a very funny joke" Emily says

"Yea... I realized that after I said it" she sighs.

"Would be crazy thought wouldn't it" I say and she laughs

"That's what I'm saying!" She says and Emily just shakes her head

"Aren't you supposed to leave now?" Emily says

"Yea, actually I'm meeting with Grant before school" she says

"On a second note how about you stay for a while then leave" Emily tries

"Don't worry mom you're not getting any grandkids any time soon" she says

"That's what I said 18 years ago!" Emily calls after her

"Are you ready for work?" I chuckle and she sighs

"Yes" she says and grabs the things for Spencer and Penelope and we were on the way to the office. After a coffee break first.

We both walked into the office talking about our morning and she mentioned a few cases she has looked over

"Boss is here" we head a familiar voice and sure enough Derek stood in front of us

"Welcome back, even if it's just for the day" Emily says to him. Derek agreed to come in to hang for the day or until we have to leave out

"I missed you, and look at you mommies" he says and gives us a hug

"Look at you! You look gorgeous momma" he says do me

"Thank you" I blush gushing my face into Emily's shoulder

"How's the baby?" I ask

"He's good, giving me a run for my money that's for sure" he chuckles

"We'll JJ and I have something for you and Pen" Emily says and I smile

"Yes, yes" I smile

"We want to ask you both to be the babies godparents!" We say

"Really?" They ask and we nod

"Yes! Yes of course! Penelope says coming down the steps and and Derek picks me up and spins me around and puts me down in time for Penelope to take me into one of her hugs

"We also have these for you two" Emily says and hands them both their gifts

"Oh my goodness this is gorgeous" Pen says examineing her necklace gives us both a hug

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