Chapter 28

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More chapters so you won't hate me in a couple chapters 😅😅

Emily's POV

Today is the 4th of July and everyone was going to Rossi's for a party, we were getting some fireworks and Derek and Hotch were going to grill while Rossi made his pasta and Spence, well he entertained the kids,

Kenna was bringing Grant with her, ever since the party she went too her and Grant have been together every weekend, I asked if she was dating him but she just said they were friends,  this month is also Jennifer's birthday and I plan to go all out Kenna and I usually go on vacation around that time anyway so this year we will just take JJ with us, Kenna wants to go somewhere with a beach so I'm thinking of us going to Hawaii or maybe somewhere else,

We were lucky enough to get today off so we can spend the day getting ready for the party and setting up

"Makenna what time is Grant getting here?" I ask her as we start loading the car with some fireworks we had gotten, Grant is riding with us over

"He should be here soon he said he was in his way" she replies, sure enough Grant pulls up not even 2 minutes later and gets out and walks over to me

"Hey Grant" I smile

"Hey, do you need any help?" He ask

"If you don't mind going in and seeing if JJ needs any help" I say and he nods and walks inside

"I like him" I tell Makenna and she blushes

"Yea he's nice and my Bestfriend were only friends" she says

"If you say so" I smile and she laughs going inside,

I finish loading everything in and we all went to change, we had to be at Rossi's at 4:30 and it's only 3 now so we had plenty of time to get ready

Makennas POV

My mom keeps asking about Grant and I know she thinks we are together, I mean we aren't. Yes we might have kissed once or twice or more but he hasn't actually asked me to be his girlfriend and I have no experience so I have no idea what I'm doing

"Thank you for coming" I tell him after getting changed into my outfit and he is sitting on my bed

"Of course, I love spending time with you even if I can't kiss you around your mom" he chuckles and I laugh sitting down next to him and kissing him

"I keep telling her we are just friends but she isn't believing me" I laugh

"That's okay" he smiles and kisses me again when interrupted by a knock on my door

"Kenna were leaving in 10 minutes" JJ yells through my door and I can hear her walking away,

"Well we better get going" I say and he nods as we stand up and walk out of my room

Grant turns 18 next month and I'm still only 15, same with Oakley but she turned 18 last month. Grant and Oakley are also going to University of Pennsylvania for college, Lyla is going to Arizona State, it's really far from us which sucks but we still have our phones to talk, Micah is going to Vanderbilt university in Tennessee so not too far from us and Vic, well she is attending the University of Richmond. Also in Virginia so really Lyla is the only one going far away, since I was only 15 and would be 16 we decided it would be best just for me to stay home this year at least and drive to and from
School, Oakley is staying on campus and so is Grant, he is trying to convince his parents to let him
Live off campus this year so we could
Ride together but they aren't budging, I would still see them both during the day and they can come home on the weekends,

We both got in the car on our way to Rossi's and my mom held JJs hand the entire way there. I can't wait for their wedding one day and a sibling would be nice

"I thought you're house was huge this place is a mansion" Grant whispers to me and I laugh

"That was my thought the first time I came here" I tell him and he laughs and my mom looks back at us through the mirrors so smiles at us,

We both got out of the car and Derek came out to
Help carry things in,

An hour later the men were all cooking and Mom and JJ were talking to Beth and Penelope, Spencer on the other hand was doing magic tricks with Jack,
I took Grants hand and led him to my favorite place at Rossi's, it gives you a view of all his land and is beautiful,

"It's my favorite place here" I tell him still holding his hand

"I can see why" he smiles at me

"Hey Kenna?" He says and I look up at him

"Will you be my girlfriend? I know we are kind of past that point but I never got to ask" he says and I smile

"Of course" I say and kiss him

"But we still can't do that in front of my mom" I say and we both laugh

"Little Prentiss" I hear behind us and I jump and turn around to see Derek standing there smirking

"You seen nothing" I tell him and he nods putting his hands up

"You're mother is looking for you" he says and I nod and we start walking and Derek stops Grant

"I know I have said it before but I will say it again, you hurt her and I will come after you" Derek tells him

"Derek!" I groan and pull Grant away and he laughs as we find my mom

"There you are, where did you go?" She ask me

"I took Grant to show him the balcony view" I tell her and she nods

"Mmhm well food is all done so come on" she says and I nod as we follow her


After we all ate and it was pitch dark out it was time for the fireworks, Derek was the one setting them off, JJ leaned back into my mom and Penelope was still talking to Beth and Hotch was with Jack and Spencer

After all the fireworks were off it was time for the last one, the finale, by this time I was holding Grants hand, as the finale was ending he kissed me quickly

Emily's POV

We were heading back home now, the evening was amazing, all though Kenna and Grant seemed a little close towards the end,

Grant was staying the night and JJ and I went to shower, we shower together since that one incident, after our shower JJ got out a tank top and some shorts and I did the same

"We need a night together" I sigh

"Why?" She ask and I raise my eyebrows

"Oh" she giggles

"Well my birthday is coming up and I expect some mind blowing sex, just saying" she smiles and kisses me before getting into bed under the covers

"Well I guess I can make that happen, we can bring Pen on vacation with us and we can sneak away on your birthday so that way Kenna isn't alone and she has been begging me to come" I say and she smiles

"Sounds wonderful" she replies kissing me again

"I love you" she says resting her hand on my chest

"I love you too" I smile kissing her head and turning off our light

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Till next time ❤️

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