Chapter 13

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‼️Emily in a suit or dress??!!‼️

⚠️TW⚠️ Chapter⚠️

Emily's POV

It's been a week. A week since I went off on JJ in her office, we still work together and act like everything is fine when it's not. It's killing me to see her everyday and not kiss her, not tell her how much I love her. The rest of the team doesn't mention it so they act like nothing happened as well which I guess is good.

Kenna hasn't left her room besides to go to school, she won't even go out with friends anymore, I'm worried about her and she doesn't let me in anymore, I mean at this point with my daughter hating me what's my life mean anyway? Would she be upset if one day I was gone or would she feel like a burden was lifted. I sit in my car for another half hour before walking into work and going straight to my desk.

We work silently for about two hours, nothing is the same anymore, Derek and Spencer aren't going at it, JJ stays in her office, I ruined everything

"Okay everyone, it's Friday go ahead and head home take the long weekend" Hotch says and we all leave. Silence filled the room once he leaves

Later that day at home Kenna gets home from school and goes directly to her room, not long after the knock at the door startled me from my thoughts

"Oakley? Vic, is everything okay?"

"Hi, Ms.Prentiss. Is Kenna home?" They ask and I nod

"Yea she is in her room you girls can head on up" I say and they nod climbing the stairs

Kenna's POV

It's been a long week since my mom broke things off with JJ. I think it hurts so much because JJ was the first person outside of Mom and Elizabeth that I had a relationship with. I grew to love JJ, she was good for my mom too. Now I just sit in my room all day.

Yesterday I did something I told myself I wouldn't do again, I was feeling so low yesterday and cutting makes the pain in my head go away, and I needed the release. Today is another one of them days I walked into my bathroom and took the blade of the bathroom sink cutting horizontal lines across my thighs, I don't do it hard enough to scar, it barely bleeds. When the pain on my thighs becomes what my mind focuses on I get an escape from reality, an escape from what feels like I'm going back into being invisible again, I would have kept going if I didn't hear a knock on my door

"Mom go away" I say and the door to my bedroom opens

"Kenna? It's me and Vic" I hear Oakley say, I have been avoiding them. Declining offers to go out and always come up with an excuse, I just want to lay in bed lately

"Hold on" I yell putting some jeans on. Worst decision ever,

"Fuck" I whisper as the jeans rub against my fresh cuts making me wince in pain,

I walked out and they were sitting on my bed and Oakley jumps up and hugs me

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask

"We miss you, and wanted to check up on you" Vic says

"Oh, well I'm fine you didn't have to come" I tell them

"Kenna, you have been avoiding us, won't hang out anymore and won't return our calls or texts" Oakley explains

"I just have been busy" I say

"Are you okay?" Oakley ask

No, I'm dying inside, it feels like there is no point in me exiting anymore, it feels like I just burden everyone. All I want to do is sleep, I haven't been eating and I haven't been working hard on my homework. I sleep most of the time but I can't tell them this, it's not fair to burden them with this

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