Chapter 35

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It's been a month now, a month since we lowered Emily into the ground, Kenna went back to school almost immediately, she seems okay bur I know she isn't, she's just like Emily they are good at bottling up their feelings,

I had so many meetings with lawyers about money, I had no idea how much money Emily actually had, of course I knew she had a lot but this amount? Not at all what I expected. She left me everything, supposedly the house was hers and not her mother's so she left me that, she left all the money to me, her lawyers acted like that's the only reason I married in and to be honest I didn't even know it existed. I don't want her money I want her, I would give it all away if it meant I got her back even just for a minute,

Pen comes by the house a lot she says it's to make sure I eat even though I think I eat enough, Kenna comes back everyday after school, besides tonight, she called and asked if she could stay with Grant since she had a lot of homework to catch up on

Makennas POV

My mom died. School sucks, can my life get any worse? I spend all my time studying to even pass my classes, going into the medical field is a lot harder than I had planned but I know my mom was excited for me to do it and I'm going through with it to make her proud. I told JJ I would be staying with Grant tonight but that's not true, Grant left yesterday to see  his family since today is Friday and he had no classes today, I would just be staying in his dorm so
I could study, JJ doesn't like it when I'm up all night she says it's bad for my health to be awake all night drive to school and study again when I get home,

Today was a harder day, my mind was more on my mom today than any other day and I needed to study for a big test on Monday,  sitting in my last class of the day trying to listen to what the professor is saying, but I can't all I can think about it my mom, how she made me laugh, how she always took care of me no matter what, when a single drop of liquid falls on my paper is when I realized I had been crying, i quickly wiped my eyes and put my stuff away just in time for the bell,

Once I stepped outside I was approached by a guy, looking around Grants age I'm guessing

"Hey are you okay?" He ask


"You sure? I seen you crying" he says

"Yea I'm fine, just stressed with all of the studying I have been doing" I tell him

"I have something that can help" he says and pulls out a little baggy with a white substance, Oxy,

"I'm good, but thanks" I say

"Okay well if you change your mind, here's my number" he says and gives me a paper with his number on it,

My mom would be so pissed had I taken that, well she isn't here so I mean, she won't know.

I sigh and walk back to Grants dorm to study, hours later it finally reaches 8 o'clock and I skipped dinner again, not hungry and way too busy to eat

I wanted to study for a little longer I still had half a textbook to get through but I couldn't, my mind couldn't. 

So I did the only thing I could think of, called the  guy with the oxy,

"How much do I owe you?" I ask him

"Nothing, on me for your first time, don't take more than 3. Or it will kill you" he says am I nod

"Here I am buying drugs off a stranger, what's your name?" I ask

"Ryan. And now we're not strangers" he says and hands me the bag

"Well thank you Ryan" I smile and walk back to Grants dorm

Do I? Do I take them? What's the worse that can happen really? No one will find out and it's only a one time thing, so why not?

I took 1..... and a half and waited half an hour and I felt amazing, my mom was no longer on my mind, I could think straight and I was able to study, it was perfect I was able to study in a fraction of the time it would have taken before,

Hours later and I was still feeling the high, I used to wonder why anyone did drugs and this, this was it. The feeling of being free without a care in the world, why think off all the bad things when you could be free

I fell asleep around 12 that night and didn't wake up till 10 the next morning. Amazing sleep it was good,

I had to go home today' and I knew my mom would be there in memories, if it means a good nights sleep, what will it hurt if I take some at home?


Kenna was on her way home now, I'm worried about her. Always bottling everything up.

Derek asked if he could come over tonight and I said yes, I haven't really gotten out of the house since I quit

A few hours later Derek showed up first and we were in the kitchen when Kenna got home and she came In

"Hey JJ I'm home, oh- I'm going to my room" she says after seeing Derek

"Kenna wait" Derek tries but she ignores him walking up the steps

"What do you want Derek?" I ask him handing him a cup of coffee and got one myself and sat down

"I want to update you on what we have on the guy who Killed Em, and I want to apologize, you are right, it's our fault, we told her we had her back and would keep her safe, but we didn't and we didn't move when we saw the guy like we should have and that's on us" he says and I wipe the tears in my eyes

"Derek I shouldn't have went off that night in the hospital, I was mad and sad and you guys were the only ones to blame and I can't blame a Emily" I sigh

"No, don't apologize, you had just lost your wife and I was to blame, never-mind that. We tracked his location to the border and he got into Mexico but we have Interpol on it" he says

"How did he get across the border?"

"Fake IDs " he explains

We talked some more before saying our goodbyes and Pen had brought dinner by so I took that up to Kenna

"Hey," I say walking in sitting on her bed

"Hey" she smiles

"Pen brought dinner" I say and she smiles and I get it out for the both of us, I know she probably didn't  eat yesterday,

"Thank you JJ" she smiles and gives me a hug

"You're welcome love" I say

"No really, thank you. Thank you for not leaving me and thank you for loving me, I love you JJ" she says

"I'm never leaving you, you're stuck with me forever. And I love you too" I say and press a kiss against her head

Till next time ❤️

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