Chapter 48: July 15th (Thursday), Part 3

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"What?! Why Josuke?!" Mikitaka exclaimed. Why? Why was Josuke coming back for him? He told him to get away. Kanedaichi glared at the pompadour-haired teen. How dare he come back and interfere with his escape. "Piss off!!" He shouted just as Josuke reattached the power line. He swung himself around for a moment before he landed safely on some of the beams.

"Thanks to you cutting this line, I was able to fix it and get myself up here." Josuke says to the hermit with a smirk.

"Damn you!" Kanedaichi snarled at him.

"Mikitaka, give me about ten seconds and I'll have you free. After I put this bro-hole back in his douche cage, I'll heal you up and it'll be like this never happened." Josuke promised.

"Be careful up there, Josuke! Don't you fall!" Okuyasu shouted up at him.

"Don't put that in his head!" Saya shouted.

"Yeah, as if." Josuke said with a slight chuckle as he held on to the tower. Kanedaichi glared at the blue-eyed student as he backed away from him.

"Props friend. Mending the wire to swing up here was ingenious but coming back to this tower was not the smartest move you could've made. I would've been perfectly content leaving this place behind. In fact, killing you pig-headed boobs never crossed my mind. BUT YOU JUST HAD TO GO AND FORCE MY HAND! SO NOW FOR ME TO MAKE MY GETAWAY, I HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO PUSH YOU TO YOUR DEATH!"

"Go to Hell!" Josuke shouted as he leapt towards Kanedaichi while still being careful where to land. He brought out Shining Diamond and threw a flurry of punches. "DORA! DORARARARARARA!!!" As Josuke made his attack, he was caught by surprise when Kanedaichi managed to avoid his punches through some incredible acrobatics. Josuke kept trying to attack him but the hermit, due to him being better adapted for life on an electrical pylon, was able to swing around the tower to dodge strikes with ease. Josuke grit his teeth as he rushed to chase after him. However, he had lost his footing and slipped off the beam. He let out a yell before quickly grabbing hold of the beam.

"You know, now that I see your Shining Diamond up close, it's actually pretty damn impressive. Even so, you can't really think you stand a chance against me. I could prance around the top of this tower with my eyes closed." Kanedaichi tells him. Earning a glare from the pompadour-haired teen. "And I'm guessing your Stand's rang is about two meters." Kanedaichi chuckles as Josuke hangs on for dear life. Wondering just how long he can keep his grip. He builds up a ton of saliva and stuck out his tongue, sending the clear liquid down. Josuke's eyes widened in both disgust and horror as he realised what he was trying to do. Josuke was grossed out when the string of saliva flowed down until it was inches from his face.

"What the hell?!" He cried out as he quickly moved out of the way. "Screw you, dick! You're gonna pay for that!" Kanedaichi then grinned like a mad man as he watched Josuke climb back up on the tower. He was smiling and his eyes were wide with anticipation. He wanted Josuke to get in close. From where he was hanging, Mikitaka looked up at the hermit and let out a gasp when he saw the razor blade sticking out from one of his calluses. And that the beam he was holding on held deep slashes.

"Mr. Josuke, you have to move now! He's already slashed the tower with his knife! Look, he carved slits into the beam!" The alien frantically warned his friend. Kanedaichi smirked widely. He stood still as the tower launched out of several beams of energy down at Josuke. The young delinquent squatted down on the beam and looked at the oncoming attack. Not a second sooner, Shining Diamond appeared and defended his master. Blocking the attacks and sending them away.

"That was a real low blow, you know that? Though to be fair, as fast as your attacks are, my Shining Diamond won't even break a sweat." Josuke tells the man. Kanedaichi looked down upon the younger man and smirked. He looks so smug it was starting to piss Josuke off. "Keep smirking, freak! We'll see if you're still wearing that smile after the ass whooping I'm about to give you!"

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