Chapter 13: Italian Food at its Finest, part 1

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Saya was currently at home, sitting on the couch in the living room. In her lap rested a notebook which she jotted some things down. Her father was out working late tonight and won't be back for a while, so now it was just her and Airi for the time being. Speaking of whom, Saya glanced up and saw her older cousin make her way towards the front door with her satchel bag hung over her shoulder.

"Hey Ai, where you going? Had someone called from the office?" Saya asked.

"Ah, nowhere. Just heading out to be with my fiancé, he's starting to miss me." She said with a slight giggle. Saya laughed as well. She only heard a bit of her cousin's fiancé and from the sounds of it, he was a good guy and adores Airi. Airi loved him just as much, and while they haven't formally met, Saya and Hajime considered him to be a good match for her. Airi blinked and pulled a note from her satchel, walking towards her young cousin. "Oh right, Uncle made a list of things you guys need."

"Oh yeah? All right, I'm going." Saya said, taking the note and getting off the couch. She slipped on her shoes and headed out the door with Airi, giving each other farewells as they went on separate directions. As Saya walked into the store, selecting the items off of her father's list, her ears caught the conversation of two other shoppers behind her. "Did you hear? There's a new restaurant that's been made recently." A woman told her friend. "Really? That's new. Where is it?" She asked. "I heard that it's next to Kunimitōge Cemetery."

Curiosity took hold of her and Saya was genuinely interested in seeing this restaurant here in Morioh. She wondered what kind of restaurant it was. After getting all the things off Hajime's list, Saya went back home, dropped them off and headed back out, making her way to the new restaurant. She knew where the cemetery was, so if she found the cemetery she'll find the place. She eventually found herself coming upon a little quaint house that had been converted into a restaurant. She saw that the door was slightly ajar and there was a bit of light inside. She approached the doors and as she entered the restaurant a bell rang over the door.

"Hello?" She called out. In the kitchen, which was completely pitch black, the person stopped cutting up some guts when he heard her voice. He spread a grin as he goes to greet his 'guest' while a dog in a cage in the back begins growling lowly.

The next day

"Man, I'm wasting away over here. After we visit my bro's grave, what do you say we find a place to get something to eat?" Okuyasu asked Josuke as they make their to the cemetery to visit Keicho. "I'm good but don't let me stop you." Josuke tells him. Okuyasu let out a tired yawn when his eyes spotted a sign. It read, Italian Cuisine Trendy. Left 100 meters. "Says here there's a new Italian restaurant. And it's just up the road." Okuyasu said.

"Wait, isn't where the cemetery is? Not the best place for a restaurant, or anything for that matter." Josuke said.

"Oh, Josuke. This is just the kind of whacky food destination that brings people in from all over. Ah, it's to die for! My mouth won't stop watering, or whatever it is the foodies say, I just want to go. Come on, Josuke, what do you say?" Oukyasu said, drooling at the thought of tasting rich foreign food. After much time pestering him, Josuke gave in and followed him to the new restaurant.

"This is it? I thought this building was vacant." Josuke said, observing the structure. They looked up and saw that it was called Trattoria. "Maybe they remodel it. It sure has character." Okuyasu said as he walked up the stairs. Josuke followed him but stopped when he read the sign that was beside the door. 'Today's menu, Dinner Dependent. Coffee and dessert included. 3,500 yen.'

"That's weird. What's Diner Depended mean?" He asked as he and Okuyasu walked through the door. The bell ringing to indicate their presence. Before they could look around the restaurant, the boys' attention quickly went towards the young, lovely-looking waitress that seemed to be in the process of getting two large boxes into the back. They looked heavy and it looked like she was having trouble with them as she struggled to turn around and greet them.

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