Chapter 7: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 3

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"Since my idiotic little brother, decided to meddle with my trap and save that brat, my plan has gone off the rail somewhat. But in the grand scheme, it's of little consequence. You'll never escape this house or the domination of my perfectly synchronised Stand, Worst Company!" Declared Keicho Nijimura.

"So his Stand is called Worst Company?" Josuke said. Koichi looked around confused as to what was happening. "Hey, S-Silver, Josuke wh-what's going on?" Koichi asked.

"Ask me later. I know it's crazy, but I need you to stay back! They're up to something!" Josuke said.

"You heard the man!" Silver-eye said, grabbed Koichi and pulling him back.

"All units, halt!" Bad Company stopped marching. "Ready, aim...." The Stand got in firing position. "FIRE!" Josuke jumped out of the way as dozens of bullets were fired at him.

"Left face, FIRE!"

"Over here!" Josuke shouted. He opens a door and Silver-eye runs in, pulling Koichi with her. As they make it on the other side the door explodes knocking them all down.

"Head on, these little bastards have the firepower to blow us to smithereens!" Josuke shouts as he looks behind him. "Luckily, we've got windows. I know we're on the second floor, but we've got to break those windows and jump to safety!" Josuke says, running towards the windows but stops short when he sees something hovering in front of them. "So much for that idea." Small helicopters flew out from the shadows, hovering before the group.

"That's just great...they even got helicopters? But how's his Stand taking the form of US army Apache choppers?" Josuke asked.

"Seems like his Stand is a full army command centre." Silver-eye says as she and Koichi stood by Josuke. Koichi then looked to the side and his eyes widened when he saw something coming at them. "Watch your backs, they've got a tank!" Koichi shouted, grabbing the back of Silver-eye's and Josuke's jackets, pulling them down. Shining Diamond appears and blocks the attack. The helicopters and tanks start firing at the same time. Crazy Diamond blocks the helicopters attacks, while Blazing Gold blocks the tank's attacks.

"You're right, those are definitely tanks. Koichi, caref- wait?!" Josuke shouted. "Do you wanna run that by me one more time?"

"Can you see the enemy?" Silver-eye shouted, grabbing Koichi's shoulder while pointing at the army. "The soldiers, tanks, helicopters, all of them?"

"Mm-hm. I don't understand what's going on, but I can see them." Koichi said.

"The arrow. Since it didn't kill you, it must've given you a Stand!" Josuke concluded.

"Makes sense." Silver-eye said.

"Oh? So the little shrimp has one as well?" Everyone looks over to see Okuyasu's brother leaning against the wall. "He's finally got the power to use a Stand. This certainly is a surprise." Keicho says with a smirk.

"It's the man of the hour, Okuyasu's bro." Josuke said. "This is a pretty ballsy move. Showing off your Stand like that!" Josuke reached behind him and pulled out two nails from the wall, Shining Diamond threw them at Keicho, but they were destroyed by Worst Company before they could touch their high commander. "You can think of my Stand, Worst Company, as a castiron defence. It renders all attacks and intruders incapable of penetrating its protective shield." The elder Nijimura brother explained.

"You think you're so big hiding behind your army." Silver-eye said as she cracked her knuckles with a scowl, as she cracked her knuckles, electricity came off of them. "I promise, once you get close enough and I'm gonna beat your face in."

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