Chapter 39: Rosham Boy is Here!, Part 2

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"Are you completely oblivious of the plight you're in? If you lose just one more time you're finished." Rohan said. "Surely by now you've realised you're all out of chances since I know you're a Stand user, I'll show you know mercy! The moment I retrieved my right arm, I'm putting you out of commission. Admit defeat."

"Wait, are you trying to psyche me out?" Ken questioned.

"Alright, let's get this started." Rohan said, ready to win the game and make Heaven's Door whole again. He expected Ken to be gung ho about winning as well, but the boy looked disinterested and turned away. "I'm not ready to play just yet. I won the last match using 'paper' so I guess it's only natural to want to go with 'rock' or 'scissors' this time. But it be kinda stupid to go with the obvious just cause." As he was contemplating his next move, Rohan was getting annoyed with his stalling.

"And it's pretty clear to anyone with eyes you're not the naive-type, Rohan-sensei. So maybe going with 'paper' would be the best way to go. I mean, what could it hurt, right?" Ken says. "Okay, made up my mind! Let's go! Ro-Sham-Bo!" The players threw down their hands and much to Rohan's shock, he lost. Rohan loses his fourth match having been psyched by Ken. He played 'paper' and Rohan had chosen 'rock'.


"I did it! I out willed Rohan-sensei with the power of paper! That makes two wins and two losses. Sucks for you." Ken says as his Stand appears behind him. He rushed forward and grabbed hold of Rohan's neck, almost choking him as it pulled Heaven's Door out of him, ripping the lower body of Heaven's Door. Transferring the stolen energy into the hole in Ken's cheek. Because he has already lost so much of his Stand, Rohan was instantly hit with a sudden and strong wave of exhaustion. His entire body felt weak and he fell to his knees, breathing heavily as he tries to hold himself together.

As Rohan struggles to stand up, Ken chuckles at him. Happy that he brought someone as great and respected as him. "I just took the lower half of your Heaven's Door. If you're tired, you can rest on that bench over there." He said.

"No, that won't be necessary." Rohan says as he stood up, resting himself against a tree for support. "When vanquishing your opponent, you must savour it and look down on the conquered with pity and disdain."

"Heh-heh. I've got two wins and two losses, so we're both one game away from destiny. But I'm so close to victory I can almost taste it! I know I lost twice but I came back and won twice in a row. It's the other way around for you, you've lost twice. You're smacked dab in the middle of a major losing streak!" Ken said. Cackling from above, Yoshihiro watches the match from a nearby light post. Yes, this was perfect. The kid was doing even better than he first thought. "Marvellous! As expected from one chosen by the arrow. We're almost there. If this kid can finish absorbing Rohan Kishibe's mind-reading powers, we'll be unstoppable. You'll serve my precious Yoshikage well."

"Good work. You've gotten better at the mind games, quite impressive for a punk kid." Rohan said.

"You lost the game twice in a row, that's a fact." Ken said.

"Yes, you're right. I won't argue. Since you're big on facts, I take it you won't mind if I tell you another." Rohan said. "I'm positive you won't be using paper for this duel." Ken blinked in confusion for a moment before letting out a laugh. "Guess we'll find out, huh."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I'm not finished yet." Rohan cuts in. "I went with 'rock' twice and it cost me both times. It's obvious now that 'rock' is my unlucky play, am I wrong? It goes without saying I'd be averse to using rock again when it's been so unkind. And since I won't be going with 'rock' this time, you won't be able to use paper. Using it would be the same as admitting I'm not on a losing streak despite what you said a while back."

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