Chapter 8: The Lock

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"A family photo... He knew what he was doing. He hasn't been mindlessly rummaging through that box for ten years, he's had a purpose! He was looking for the photo of his sons when they were young." Koichi said.

"Indeed, your father's not completely aware of his surroundings, but deep down in his heart, his memories are still intact. He still has the loving memories of his family." Silver-eye said. Okuyasu's brother looked stunned, and he dropped his father's chain. Mr. Nijimura continued to cry as he held the photo. Out in the hallway, Okuyasu had heard the entire thing and he silently cried to himself. Happy that his father wasn't completely lost.

"Give up on looking for a Stand that kills, because if you focus on using one that heals instead, then I'm willing to help you." Josuke said. Shocking the Nijimura brothers, but Silver-eye smiled at that along with Koichi. "But first you'll have to hand over the bow and arrow. Cause they're history." Josuke held his hand out. Keicho looks at Josuke's hand but then takes a step back. "You're not planning to run are you?" Josuke asked.

"Bro, please. Enough is enough."


"Come on, let's end this already. There's no point in fighting him, right?" Okuyasu said.

"So you stuck around." Josuke said. Okuyasu walks towards his brother with a pleading look. "What do you say? There's a chance dad could get better, couldn't he? So what if he doesn't look the way he use to? That stuff doesn't really matter, the important thing is, he has his memories and soul. Right?" Okuyasu says as he grips the bow. It's been so long. They can stop all this, couldn't they? They can find a healer. They can get their father help. They can finally be free and live their lives again. They can be a family again.

"Okuyasu...  The hell do you think you're doing?" Okuyasu's brother questioned angrily.

"Bro..." Okuyasu said.

"Move it, Okuyasu! Don't you see that it's far too late for me to just turn my back on the mission! I've already slaughtered countless people in this town with the very bow and arrow you're gripping! Besides, as far as I'm concerned you're no longer my brother. As such I have no qualms about killing you where you stand." Okuyasu's brother declared.

"B-bro..." Okuyasu said, shocked at his older brother's words. As they all watched this go down, Josuke suddenly got a sinking feeling. He looks up and spots someone on the roof through a window. " there anyone else living here besides you two and your dad?" Josuke asked.

"Others? No, it's just the three of us." Okuyasu said. Suddenly the outlet plug in the room started to spark and fill with electricity. 'It's coming from the outlet.' Josuke thought. That's when a Stand appeared out of the outlet launching itself at Okuyasu.

"Okuyasu! Pull your head out of your ass, you idiot!" Okuyasu's brother yelled out. He punched his brother in the face, knocking him back just in time as the Stands fist came and punched a hole right through Keicho's chest.

"NO, BIG BRO!" Okuyasu yelled. The Stand that had attacked resembled a short, yellow alien with a beak and a lizard-like tail. Its head bears a resemblance to a Pachycephalosaurus. Its body was covered in a radiant electrical glow. "I'll be relieving you of this bow and arrow, Keicho Nijimura! You do still remember me, don't you?! Since you awaken my Stand when you shot me with this arrow!" The Stand said.

"I do...and you are an idiot! You can handle the bow and arrow!" Keicho said.

"Keicho Nijimura! Stands are the manifestation of the soul, I've matured since you told me that! But let me guess you weren't expecting my Stand, Chili Pepper, to evolve to this degree?!" Chili Pepper said.

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