Chapter 29: Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella, part 1

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"Are you freaking kidding me?! Learn how to hit!" Airi shouted as she wiped some sweat off her brow. Saya had come at her with a strong punch, but to the older woman, she thought a ten-year-old would hit harder than her. Saya growled as somersaults forward with one of her legs outstretched, slamming it against Airi. However, Airi brought her arms up and blocked the attack. Airi then responded by kicking her young cousin squarely in the chest as hard as she could. Sending her flying, slamming against the wall.

Airi stomped her way over to Saya, bent down...and offered her hand. "Haha...great work there, little Saya. You're improving but you still have a long way to go." Saya looked up at her and started to laugh. She took her hand and Airi helped her up. "Yeah, yeah. I know, but you have to admit that I'm getting close to your level."

"Maybe, but you don't know that. I might be higher than last time." Airi said with a playful smirk. on her face. The girls laughed as they each grabbed a towel and dried themselves off. This was the Yukimori family norm. Where once in a while members would often spar against one another to improve in their fighting tactics and train future generations of combat. Traditional or street brawling. This is one of their traditions. "There's no way you're any higher. You've retired the moment Rohan proposed to you and with your job as his editor, how would you find time to keep on training?" Saya asked.

"Very good questions Saya, but once you get older, you'll understand." Airi said.

Saya playfully rolled her eyes at that. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

"Speaking of which, I've noticed how much happier you've been. Is this because of a certain boy with a nice hairstyle?" Airi teased. Laughing when she saw Saya's face turn red. She stuttered out her words before saying, "W-well, we're still kind of taking things slow...but Josuke's been a very attentive boyfriend. He...h-he always makes sure I'm okay."

"That just proves how much he cares about you. I've got a good feeling about that kid, and I'm sure Uncle will say the same if Josuke ever comes for a visit." Airi tells her. She wrapped an arm around Saya's shoulder and gave her a sideways hug. "Everything's going to be just fine between you two. Don't let the past tell you otherwise. That's the whole reason you guys decided to move here, right?"

Saya smiled brightly at that. Airi was right. The whole reason she moved here was so she could escape her past troubles and move on with her life. Being with Josuke has helped her do just that. She was lucky to have met him. She also had to thank Hikari for this too. Sure, the chaos that often attracts them is almost constant, but as long as she has him by her side, it's worth it. It's not so bad. "Yeah." Saya said.

"Saya?" Hajime called out from the other room. "Yeah, dad?" Saya said.

"You've got a phone call. From someone named Koichi Hirose? Is he a friend of yours?" He asked. Saya was at first confused as to why Koichi would be calling her but then she got a hunch. Saya went to her father and told him that Koichi was her classmate. After being given the phone, Saya barely had any time to say 'hello' before her friend began on a panicked rambling. She could barely process anything he was saying.

"For God's sake, calm down Koichi! I can't understand you when you're talking so fast. Calm down and tell me what's up." Saya told him. She nodded her head as she listened to Koichi talk on the other end of the phone. "Ah, I get it. So you're saying Yukako has been following you around?" Saya asked.

"See you around Saya." Airi called out as she left the house. Changed out of her workout clothes and back in her business attire. "Bye Airi!" Saya said before turning her attention back to Koichi. "Easy! I believe you, alright? But how do you know this isn't just some big coincidence or something? Morioh is a small town remember?" Saya listened to Koichi speak. "You spotted her hiding behind the corner of a building?" She said as she let out a sigh. "Koichi, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If she gets too close then let me know."

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