Chapter 14: Italian Food at its Finest, part 2

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After sometime later, Tonio had come back with his next dish in hand and smiled. "Now, shall we continue with the next dish?" He asked as he set the plate down. "This is the primo piatto. Today's pasta, Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca." A spicy spaghetti dish made with seedless black olives, olive oil, garlic, small tomatoes, hot pepper, anchovy fillet (1), parsley, salt, pepper, and parmesan cheese. This dish is also known as Whore's Pasta because, supposedly, originated with prostitutes who favoured its easy preparation. While cheese is not usually added to pasta prepared with garlic, this dish is a notable exception.

Okuyasu stared at the pasta with a bit of confusion and awe as he took his fork and swirled some around. When he held it up, he spotted something with in the pasta. "This I crazy, or does it have chilli flakes in it?" He asked.

"An astute observation. The special sauce used in Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca is one of the oldest recipes found in Italian cuisine." Tonio said as he smiled. "And not to brag, but my hometown Napoli is considered its birthplace. So of course, I give it the highest possible recommendation."

Okuyasu's once happy demeanour quickly changed to uncertainty and cringed when he was told that the spaghetti was indeed spicy. Not exactly one of his favourites. "Ugh, you should've said that earlier. I can't eat anything spicy. The only curry rice I can handle is that mild Vermont curry that has apples and honey in it. Oh, and don't get me started on wasabi with sushi." He said. He stuck his tongue out and hesitantly brought the pasta closer. Once it connected with the tender flesh, Okuyasu recoiled back. "I can't do it! It's too spicy!" He shouted as he grabbed his water and quickly drank it to cool his mouth. "It's like eating fire!"

"There's a simple solution then. Ready? Don't eat it." Josuke said as he stared intently at the chef. He wasn't trusting him any longer than he already had up to this point. Tonio looked over at him with an unreadable look before spreading his kind smile. "If it's not to your liking don't force yourself, I'd be more than happy to remove the pasta from your bill. Now if you excuse me, I'll prepare the main course. I hope the secondo piatto will suit you better. But so you know, signore, I make my spaghetti to be enjoyed even by those who have the lowest tolerance for spicy foods." He said as he turned to leave but then Josuke's questioned caused him to stop.

"Where's Saya? I thought she was with you in the kitchen?" He asked. His eyes looked a lot more hostile now. Tonio gave him a smile and told him, "No need to worry. She didn't feel so well after your friend's stiff shoulder was cured, so I told her to organise the storage before going home for today. She'll be right here with you momentarily." And with that he left, disappearing into the kitchen.

Josuke narrowed his eyes at the older man as Okuyasu took his words into consideration. He made it people like him could eat it despite not favouring spicy foods? "So I can eat this even though it's spicy?" He questioned as he took another lick at the pasta. "Hot! I know Tonio's a master chef, anybody with tastebuds would agree. And if you ask me, I'd even say the guy's a genius, but this really wasn't his best work."

"No, I think you lucked out with your spice intolerance." Josuke told him.


"Hasn't it crossed your mind that this food and water might be a little too weird. Something's shady." Josuke said.

"What do you mean by shady? Spicy!" Okuyasu questioned.

"You scratched off a softball-sized wad of dead skin and that's after you cried a freakin river." Josuke pointed out, with much seriousness in his voice.

"I guess I did." Okuyasu said. "But that time when I went to Shirabu Onsen in Yamagata, I lost even more dead skin than I did today and my back got better. It's totally normal, isn't it? Hot!"

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