Chapter 21: Let's Go Hunting! part 1

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"Uh, Ms. Hikari? Why did you bring me out here?" Saya asked, confused as the golden-haired woman lead her to an open field. Just this morning she had been heading towards the shopping district to pick up a few things when she stumbled upon Hikari by pure coincidence. Or at least she thought it was until Hikari walked up to her and had asked her for help. Saya thought something was wrong but she wasn't sure what she needed help with since she was lead into the middle of seemingly nowhere. Not only that but she was carrying a backpack that held equipment based on what she's been hearing throughout their walk.

"I'm sorry, I would've told you sooner but Jotaro wanted me to bring you here before he does. See there's something very important we have to do and he wants you and Josuke to be a part of it." Hikari explained to her. Hikari was now wearing a white, short-sleeve shirt, a black bodywarmer, dark-green pants and a pair of sneakers. She had her golden hair tied up in a ponytail.

"What's the important thing?" Saya asked.

"We're going hunting." Hikari told her.


"Josuke, I'm going on a hunting trip." Jotaro proclaimed.

"Huh?" Josuke questioned.

"And you're coming too." Jotaro said, or more like told, Josuke. Like Hikari, Jotaro also wore a new set of clothing. His second outfit features a style reminiscent of his school uniform with an upturned white coat collar with pink cuffs and a single magenta fitted shirt and purple/yellow belt. His hat's emblems are replaced with an orange-coloured dolphin and sun, while his coat features an orange metallic emblem of two dolphins forming a heart on the right shoulder and a set square with the trademark palm symbol on the left and brown boots. Over his shoulder, Jotaro had a brown and green backpack.

"Ah, whoa there! Hang on a second, Jotaro. Run that by me again. I've could've sworn you said we were going hunting." Josuke said. "If that's true..." Josuke then got a wide grin on his face and rubbed the back of his head in a bashful manner. "Does that mean we're going hunting for hotties with hot bodies?" The pompadour teen failed to notice Jotaro's body twitch in anger. A shadow was cast over Jotaro's eyes due to his hat, which in turn covered his irritated look. The hell he'd just say? He does know that he was a married man, right? And a happy one at that!!

"Cause you should know I'm a little more of the romantic type, I'm not sure I'll be able to pull it off. You'll have to show me the ropes. ....Wait, Saya isn't going to find out about this, is she?" Josuke asked him. Swallowing down his anger and annoyance, for now, Jotaro turned to his uncle and stated, "I spoke to Otoishi. He confessed."

"Are you serious?!" Josuke exclaimed.

"Yeah, he had quite a lot to say. Especially regarding the bow and arrow. It turns out he had also used it to shoot a rat." Jotaro said.

"He did what?!" Josuke blurted

"That's right, but the rat didn't die. Even though it was writhing in agony, it freed itself from the arrow and made a break for the hills. You know what that means, humans aren't the only organisms with the potential to acquire Stand abilities. But we don't know what this rat can do, so we have to hunt it down before it lashes out."

Later on, Jotaro led his uncle out to an open field and met up with Hikari and Saya. Hikari reached into her backpack and handed Jotaro five metal 6mm bb pellets. Once he had them in hand, Hikari, Saya and Josuke stood off to the side while Jotaro brought out Star Platinum. He placed three of the bb pellets in his Stand's hand then faced a fence that held several cans lined up. Star Platinum flicked each metal ball at the cans hitting them with incredible speed and accuracy.

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