Chapter 37: Atom Heart Father, part 2

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Jotaro picked up the box that had been dropped during the scuffle and he held it out for the odd-eyed girl to take. Saya reached out to it, but not before Josuke gave her one more hug before letting go. Saya opened the box and her heart dropped to her stomach.

"The this...?" Saya gasped as she stared at the contents of the box. The photos of her, sometimes with her father and Josuke. Just seeing these photos had disturbed her more than enough but her face contorted with disgust when she found that strand of her hair. What the hell...? Kira, a God damned serial killer, had been stalking her this whole time and she had no idea! But then again, how could she have known? After all, Kira doesn't like to stand out, so he must've been very careful and subtle when he captured these photos.


Yoshihiro yells and cries out as he struggles to free himself from his polaroid prison. But no matter how much he struggled or how much he hit the walls, he couldn't get out. He has to escape! He has to get away from here! No matter what he had to protect his son and the thing he has been keeping hidden for years. "I can't protect my son if I'm trapped in here! What am I gonna do?! If it falls into their hands, it's all over!!" Yoshihiro screamed out.


With Yoshihiro taken care of, the gang continues their search for any clues that could be useful for capturing Kira. During their search, Josuke noticed a dresser near the corner. It seemed to catch his attention and went over to check it out. "What could he be hiding that's so important he'd do all this to keep us from finding it?" Koichi asked.

"I don't have the foggiest clue but I'm not gonna sweat it." Okuyasu said. "If that old man turns white as a sheet, we should be good."

"Help me! I can't breathe!" Yoshihiro suddenly cries out, gaining Okuyasu and Koichi's attention. "It's torture in here! Can't I have a bit of air? Just poke a couple of holes in the tape and let me catch my breath."

"What? You seriously can't breathe in there?" Koichi asks him, however, Okuyasu quickly shuts this thing down before it could start. "He's pulling your leg, Koichi. Don't fall for it, he wants you to make an opening so he can get away." Okuyasu tells him.

"I know you don't trust me but I really am dying in here, I swear!" Yoshihiro begged.

"I don't know about this, Okuyasu. I'm claustrophobic so I sorta get what the poor guy's going through." Koichi says, feeling sympathy for the old man. Okuyasu, however, wasn't in the slightest bit remorseful. "Oh, quit your bitching, geezer, if you really need a breathing hole that bad..." Okuyasu went and grabbed a few more thumbtacks and began to place them into the photo, pinning Yoshihiro down to the beam. "I'm more than happy to help. Here. How's that working for you? I know it's a little tacky." He said with a chuckle.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Yoshihiro shouted while Okuyasu laughed at his expense. "Damn it! Get me out of here, you wretched little punk!"

"Sounds like you caught your breath." Okuyasu said with a mocking laugh. "Those tacks ain't goin' nowhere, gramps."

"Tacks, you say. That must mean you stuck me to the post." Yoshihiro said suddenly, shocking the teens whilst the older man laughed maniacally. "What a red-letter day. You idiots don't realise it but those tacks are my ticket of here!" Yoshihiro said. "I couldn't have planned it better myself. Much obliged, suckers. So long." Okuyasu and Koichi kept their eyes on the tapped photo and nearly jumped when Yoshihiro suddenly began to pound against the photo with all of his strength before he suddenly went silent.

"Hey, you pruny old bastard, what the hell was that sound just now?! What did you do?!" Okuyasu questioned the old man. However, Yoshihiro gave no reply. Only silence which served to make the teen even more anxious, thinking he had just aided the enemy to escape. Enrage and fearful over the stilled silence, Okuyasu ran over to the photo and began to punch at it repeatedly, hoping to gain some kind reaction from the undead spirit. "Open your mouth, damn it! I'm talking to you!" He shouted.

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