Chapter 16: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 2

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Koichi screamed as he rushed over to the power lines, falling to his knees as tears ran down his cheeks. Horrified and saddened by the brutal way his friend had to die. "He pulled him into the cables! Okuyasu! Okuyasu!!" He cried out.

"Good grief. To think we were that close and he still got away." Jotaro said.

"I hate to say it, but the guy's a crafty little thing isn't he?" Saya said.

"That Stand was absolutely terrifying. How do you even begin to fight a remote Stand with that much power to tap into any electrical company within reach?" Josuke pondered. As the three discussed casually, Koichi was panicking not handling the situation very well. Koichi cried as he shouted at the three. "What?! What the hell are you guys talking about?! Okuyasu was... He was murdered in cold blood and you're rambling about how strong the enemy was?!"

"Oh yeah, you're right. We should check up on Okuyasu." Jotaro said.

"Leave it to me." Josuke said.

"There's one consolation in all this. He must've had a guardian angel looking out for him." Jotaro said. Koichi was confused as he wiped his tears away.

"Nah, it's more like Okuyasu's got that pure dumb luck on his side today." Saya said.

"Weird as it sounds, his right arm getting chopped off was the best thing that could've happened. Let's go, Shining Diamond!" Josuke shouted, summoning his Stand. "You don't have to worry, so dry those tears Koichi. Once I fixed his arm, his body will come back." Shining Diamond touched Okuyasu's arm and within seconds the rest of his body came back attaching itself to the severed limb.

"What the hell?!" Chili Pepper shouted in confusion as he travelled through the cables empty-handed.

"Alright! I thought we lost you for good, Okuyasu." Koichi cheered, happily.

"Shit..!! I...I...!" Okuyasu said as he hunched over on his knees, hanging his head down. "I was totally outclassed by that bastard. Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

" It's not about revenge, and we can't focus on setbacks." Koichi said, reassured his friend and he walked over to him. "Joseph Joestar. He's the priority here, he needs us. I know it's tough but that's how we're gonna beat Chili Pepper and get true justice. You have to do this for our town, and if that isn't enough, then do it for all the people you care about." While he was trying to comfort his friend, Jotaro, Josuke and Saya began walking away.

"I might be stating the obvious but this isn't good. Guess I was taking this too lightly." Josuke said.

"Yeah. We have to reach the old man's boat before Chili Pepper. Let's head to the port." Jotaro said.

"Mr. Jotaro, you wouldn't happen to have a car would you?" Saya asked him.

"How could you be so nonchalant at a time like this?!" Koichi shouted. "Look at Okuyasu, he's still in shock over here?!" The three kept walking as Koichi kept shouting. "We can get to the port faster this way." Josuke tells the others. "Sounds good." Jotaro said.

"Would you guys wait for us?!" Koichi shouted.

"There's no way around it. Bro, in order to beat Chili Pepper I have to surpass you." Okuyasu told himself as he ponders on his mistakes.

Meanwhile, in the Speedwagon Foundation boat, the captain looked at his watch and told his passenger, "Mr. Joestar, we'll be arriving at the port of Moroh any moment now." Joseph sat on his bed with his luggage next to him. He didn't say anything, but he let out a rather sickly cough.

Back with the others, Jotaro reached into his jacket and pulled a pager out of his pocket, typing a message into it.

Hikari was sitting at the docks with Kakyoin as the awaited for further instructions from Jotaro. Well, Kakyoin was the only one sitting down while Hikari was pacing back and forth, looking a bit anxious. Occasionally, she would go through her medical bag making sure she had everything for Joseph before going back to pacing. Kakyoin gave the sapphire-eyed woman a kind smile and said, "You know, as a doctor, you should learn to take of yourself as well. Take it easy, there's no way any of us are gonna let anything happen to Mr. Joestar."

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