Chapter 59: Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart, Part 2

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"M-m-my God! The ambulance just ran over that man!"

"He came out of nowhere!"

"Move! Pull forward, damn it!!"

"Alright, all of you. I need you to get behind the tape!" "Get back, come on, get back!" A few officers started corralling the crowd trying to get them to clear the scene and get behind the police tape. Rohan, Airi, Kakyoin, Nemuru, Jotaro and Hikari all began to follow the officers, as an EMT came over to Josuke, kneeling next to him. Saya stayed at his side as the EMT checked him over. "I need you to just lie down." He tells him. However, most of their attention was too focused on the crumpled corpse of Kira.

The female EMT was joined by two others, along with a pair of firefighters. They all stood around the crushed body. "There's nothing we can do. It was an instantaneous death." One of the EMTs said. Though his words were what they had wanted, hearing them like this. To hear them in this situation, it...felt...different. In fact, they almost didn't believe it. "He's dead?" Okuyasu asked.

"It's so crazy, it's like he tried to dive under the ambulance." One of the EMTs told his colleague.

"I feel responsible for this." The lady EMT spoke up. "I know there's no excuse for what happened but...I didn't have the chance to restain him."

"Life can be bizarre." Jotaro said.

"He was pinned between the asphalt and tire. The force tore off his face." One of the EMTs said as two police officers approached the medical workers. One clearing his throat. "Do we know the identity of the victim?" He asked as the medical team covered up Kira's body with a long sheet.

"He was Yoshikage Kira. He told me his name himself." The EMT woman told them. Much to the surprise and disbelief of the others. "Kira...There's an old house in Kotodai belonging to the Kira Family. I heard there's only one occupant, so he might not have family." The officer said.

"An accident. To think an accident would end this." Koichi said.

"It all worked out for the best. The law would never have been able to give the punishment he deserved. There's was no better outcome." Rohan said.

Airi let out a small 'hmph' as she crossed her arms. "You might be right about that. But if you ask me, this kind of death was too good for him." She said in a dark tone.

Hayato slowly walked over to the bag that Kira had been holding on to. He looked down at it with saddened eyes. It had belonged to his real father. "I...I never really got along with my dad when he was still with us." Hayato says he kneeled to pick it up. Hugging it close to him. "But even so...I never thought I'd lose him. I wanted justice for my dad's death. I wanted...someone to bring his killer to justice." All Hayato could do was hold his father's bag, recalling the very few memories he had with him. The team could do nothing but stare at him with sympathy. Kira might've been killed...but...Kosaku...the real Kosaku Kawajiri... Will never come back. Ever.


Kira let out a scream, having finally remembered the full details of his death. His skin starts to crack and bleed. "Remember now, Yoshikage Kira? That's how your life was ripped away from you. Funny how memory works." Reimi tells him.

"I've had just about enough of your games! Who or what are you?!" Kira angrily questioned her, still not realising who she was. Well, he'll learn soon enough. "I'm evidence. Fifteen years ago, you didn't have a Stand that can make all of your victims disappear. That's why, when I was murdered, it was front-page news." She said. Kira's breath hitched in his throat. Wh-...what did she say?! Reimi gripped the straps of her dress and forced it down. Showing Kira the savage wounds on her back. "Tell me, does this gash on my back look familiar to you?! Since I was your very first victim, maybe you forgot to cut off my hands!! I guess I'm just not that memorable to you, huh?!"

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