Chapter 43: Highway Go Go, Part 2

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Rohan stood back up to his feet as he surveyed the room. So many questions were running through his mind and he was trying to find answers for all of this. How was this room so empty? If this was some kind of hidden room, why would this place be so spotless when he had clearly seen blood splatter everywhere. "It just appeared out of thin air. But what happened to the man and woman who were in here?" Rohan questioned. Suddenly he heard something coming from the closet. Like something was shifting around inside. He thought he heard a light growl.

There was no way Rohan was going anywhere near that closet and he quickly ran to get to his motorbike and hopped on. "Blast it, something's in there! This room is a trap and I fell for it!" He said. Rohan started his bike and flinched when he heard something else.

It odd clicking sound. Like tiny rapid footsteps. They grew louder with each second. It was getting closer. Rohan couldn't see a thing but he knew it was coming. Rohan revved up the engine and hightailed it out there. "That wouldn't have ended well. It was invisible but something was moving toward me. Something nonhuman. That room was bait and the Kira looking fellow was an illusion. There's no doubt in my mind that room is a Stand. Going in alone is risky I should tell Mr. Joestar." Rohan said. As he sped through the tunnel, his eyes widened when heard that same sound again.

"Damn it! It's still coming!" Rohan looked over his shoulder and he was shocked when he finds himself being chased by a group of disembodied feet. And they were trailing right next to him. "What the hell? They... They look just like living footprints! Are they the Stand?" Rohan questioned. He glanced at the speed meter on his bike and saw that both he and those weird footprints were going 60 km/pH. Rohan nearly panicked but managed to escape when he drove 10 km/pH faster. So he was safe.

"I got away. So it can't run faster than 60 km/pH. It's a long-range Stand." Rohan said. He let out a sigh of relief and was planning on speeding away and finding Joseph and Jotaro when the sound of a loud horn began to blare out. He looked up and saw that a truck was coming his way. He slowed down just a bit to swerve out of the way and give the truck the right of way. Rohan was about to speed up again when the feet suddenly gained speed and latched onto him. Clinging onto his back, leg and arm.

"What?! It caught up to me! But I only lowered my speed by a fraction." Rohan said as more of the footprints began to latch onto him. "Shit. I'll make it a book and control it!" Rohan brought out Heaven's Door, ready to control these things and stop whoever was controlling it. But before he could, Rohan felt extreme pain when the footprints began to burrow into his body. Sucking away at his energy. Rohan coughed up blood as he stared down at the footprints. "'s sapping my strength."

"I was hoping I'd never have to see Rohan's smug face again, but here I am. He may think I'm a dumb liar but he'll see I have a heart too." Josuke said as he and Saya approached the tunnel. Despite having a falling out with Rohan on the bus, and by Saya's convincing talk, the two of them decided to investigate the tunnel. Saya smiles up at her boyfriend and gave a soft giggle. "I knew you'd come around, you big softie." She teased.

Josuke got in close to her face and scowled her. "I'm always a softie." He said before kissing her nose. Saya blushed as she playfully shoved him away. Josuke laughed at her adorable expression as they walked closer to the tunnel. "Now where the heck is that guy?" Josuke asked. The two stopped when they saw a motorcycle zooming out of the tunnel, flying right past them as it fell apart.


"Hey, isn't that Rohan's motorcycle?! Why did it just fly out like that and where's Rohan?!"

Rohan yelled as the footprints began to dig deeper into his body as they began to reassemble itself to form a humanoid body. The manga artist had finally seen the Stand's true face. It has the form of an almost naked, humanoid Stand with a light purple and black with white-tinted violet grid checkered body, bronze-coloured eyes, and an ornamental bronze fake beard on its chin reminiscent of that worn by the Pharaohs and several other bronze accessories. "It's" Rohan said.

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