Chapter 32: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 2

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The figure fully materialized, revealing a menacing-looking Stand before Shigechi. A visibly muscular humanoid Stand about as tall as Kira himself, light in colour overall. Its body is light pink. Its crown is flat, while two sharp, triangular shapes resembling cat ears stand on both sides of the top of its head. Its eyes had a pink-punch coloured sclera and cat-like vertical white pupils. It has no nose, and its thin-lipped mouth is perpetually closed. It wears deep purple, studded, leather-like forearm-length gloves, mirrored in style by a garter belt-like band at its waist and ankle-height footwear. Its thumbs are additionally bandaged in white. Four short spikes line the top of its back. Its shoulders, the back of its hands, belt buckle, a plate hanging in front of its crotch, both sides of its ankles and the top of its feet all bear the emblem of a skull with ears resembling its own, in varying sizes and external decoration.

"Deadly Queen. I named it myself and truth be told, I'm quite of the moniker. But before you have the chance to utter a word of this to another soul, I shall eradicate you. I'll sleep soundly tonight. I can already feel it." Kira declared, aiming to kill Shigechi before the boy can expose him for the murderer he is.

"Hey, didn't I warn you not to make a move against me?" Shigechi questioned. "You're about to learn that I mean business!" Shigechi summons his own Stand and he launched the small army towards the serial killer to try and incapacitate him. "SHIBO!" Deadly Queen yelled out as he shot out a flurry of punches, killing a few of them before the army cling themselves onto him and his user.

"Well now, colour me surprised. I crushed several of these vermin and you remained completely unscathed." Kira observed as Harvest dug its hands and needles into his skin.

"This is your last chance, pal. Move again and I'll slice whatever that big artery is in your neck." Shigechi told him. "Oh yeah, now I remember, it's called the carotid artery. You move a muscle and I'll have my invincible Harvest hack it to pieces. Judging by the look of that Stand of yours, it packs a wallop if your up close but it's really shitty when it comes down to long-range fighting. If I had to guess I'd say it's got a rang of 1, maybe 2, meters. So go ahead and make your move, if you're ready to die that is."

"Fascinating. From the looks of things, it seems each user is endowed with a unique ability. Hmm, Stand...I believe that's the term you used." Kira says. "I should tell you. As far as special abilities go, Deadly Queen has one that puts others to shame." Shigechi's eyes looked down and tensed up when he spotted something underneath Deadly Queen's thumb.

"Hm? What's that in its hand? Grab it, Harvest!" Shigechi ordered. Harvest swipes the coin from Deadly Queen's hand and flew back to him for him to take a look. Shigechi blinked in confusion when he saw that it was just a normal 100 yen coin. "What the heck were you planning to do with it?" Shigechi asked.

"Simple. I was going to reveal what makes Deadly Queen such a unique and terrifying Stand." Kira said. "There's no point in keeping its powers secret when you're already as good as dead."


"Deadly Queen has astonishing power. Any object that it touches becomes an explosive that rips its target asunder." Kira said. Shigechi's eyes widened as those words began to fully register in his mind. "That's right." Kira chuckled. "Even something as simple as a 100 yen coin." Deadly Queen then lifted his hand and held it in a way that looked like he was holding some kind of detonator. Shigechi gasped as he turned to his Harvest

"Quick, Harvest! You have to let go of the coin right now!!" Shigechi shouted. He tried to get Harvest to throw the coin away as fast as he can but it was too late. Deadly Queen had pressed the detonator and set off the explosion with Shigechi being in the front row. Engulfing him in firey-explosion as he felt his whole body being ripped apart.

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