Chapter 30: Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella, part 2

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School ended and Saya was making her way into town as she thought about what happened to Yukako...and is that Aya woman had anything to do with it. 'Hmm. If something did happen to Yukako, then this woman might have the answers I'm looking.' She thought to herself. Saya stood outside Aya's shop, Cinderella. She stared at the shops' sign for a moment before walking inside.

As a high school girl entered the shop Cinderella, a certain blond-haired businessman across the street walked by. He paused spotting ebony, twin-tailed hair. He continued to stare as the owner of the raven locks disappeared into the shop. He reached in his jacket and pulled his wallet. Opening it to see a slightly worn-out photo. He flipped it over to see the picture a young teen girl with a bright smile, appearing to have fun with her father. The girl in the photo really stood out due to her gorgeous mismatch coloured eyes. The man continued to stare at the photo for who knows how long before he tucked it away and walked away.

"Ah, you have returned. Phew....finally ready to try my makeup?" Aya asked.

"Yeah, no. Still haven't changed my mind about that. I'm just here to ask about my friend. You know...about this tall, wavy black hair, has a bit of a anger issue?" Saya said.

"What about her?" Aya questioned.

"She hasn't come to school for the past two days, and the guy she likes says she isn't answering his calls." Saya told her. Her eyes began to change as she narrowed her gaze at Aya. She reached up and undid her ribbons. Letting loose her hair. "So tell me...what the hell did you do to Yukako?" Aya jumped startled as electricity began to swirl around Saya as Blazing Gold appeared at her side. Blazing Gold looked down at the beautician and raised her leg up a bit as electricity shot out.

"Seems you're a little bit jumpy after Yukako caught you with her Stand. But you don't seem like a threat, so I have no reason to harm you. Yet. So give me a straight answer, what happened to Yukako?" Saya said in a cold voice.

"Most likely her treatment had reversed." Aya said.

"Reversed?" Saya asked, raising her eyebrow at that.

"I gave her a lipstick that she had to apply every thirty minutes. If she didn't do so then the beautification reverses with a terrible side effect." Aya explained

"A side effect? The hell, lady?! Would it kill you to warn someone about something like that beforehand, or at least don't make them do such an easily forgettable task such as applying lipstick every thirty minutes." Saya spat out as she glared at the woman. She then let out a sigh and tied her hair back into its normal twin-tails.

"Then I guess this something Yukako has to work out on her own. Sorry to bother you, ma'am." Saya told her with a polite bow as she walked away, preparing to leave. When she stopped and turned her head back to the beautician. "Oh, one last thing. As you reasonably are aware of, Yukako's got the temperament of a wild beast when it sees red, so you might want to watch your back. This isn't a threat or anything like that, just a warning." And with that, Saya turned and left Cinderella. As she stood outside the shop, she thought, 'I should come check on her later and make sure Yukako hasn't killed her.'


Koichi was walking by himself. He was thinking of what he should say to Yukako if he ever sees her, but he had trouble of what to say. As he walked down the streets, he sees a woman resembling Yukako with long wavy hair. She light wide hat with spots on it, a collarless jacket, and a green skirt.

"I'd know that hair anywhere....Yukako!" Koichi called out to the woman. The woman stops as Koichi runs over to her. "Please wait up, we need to talk!" When he reached the woman, he was confused as to why she wasn't looking at him. He called out Yukako's name and then the woman turned around. Koichi nearly jumped at the sight of her. She was...hideous.

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