Chapter 34: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 2

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Koichi shook in his shoes as he stared at the bloody, crumpled forms of Hikari and Jotaro. Tears burned hot in his eyes. Koichi screamed in despair as he runs over to the couple who had tried to protect him. Guilt gnawed at Koichi's soul as he knew that this would ever happen had he just listened. "How could I let this happen?! Mr. Jotaro, Ms. Hikari, this is all my fault!" Koichi cried out, but only silence and their flowing blood responded back.

"All because I went after that bastard! This would've had happened if he hadn't had to stop time and save me with that fire." Koichi said as he grabbed Jotaro's shoulders and shook him, desperately trying to wake him up. To get some kind of sign that he and his wife weren't dead. "Please, wake up, Mr. Jotaro! Mr. Jotaro! Mr. Jotaro!"

"That was not the sensation of human flesh exploding. Over here." Heart Attack said as it rolled out of the smoke. It's empty eye sockets glowed as it picked up the warm heat radiating from Koichi's body as the young teen drags the unconscious couple into the back of the store. Koichi lets out a yell when he sees the tank resuming in its pursuit of them.

"It's gonna kill us! It's just too powerful!" Koichi shouts out. As he dragged the couple into the hallway, Koichi looked up and noticed a panel on the wall. Light switches. Thinking quickly, Koichi flips the switches and all of the lights in the hall. When all was lit, Koichi turned back to the tank and watched it forget about him and crawled up the wall towards one of the lights.

"It's like Mr. Jotaro was saying. If it detects a temperature hotter than body heat it goes after that first!" Koichi said, seeing the bomb's pattern.

"Over here!" Heart Attack shouted before destroying the light.

"Now's our chance to make a break for it! I need to find a way to call Josuke, he'll be able to fix Mr. Jotaro and Ms. Hikari! I just need to find a phone!" Koichi says as he dragged the couple to the kitchen and quickly took notice of the stove and kettle. Good, there are plenty of ways to start a fire and buy them some time. Starting a fire and escaping through the backdoor. Koichi looked around the kitchen and immediately spotted a phone on the wall.

As soon as he spotted it, he props Jotaro and Hikari up against the wall as he rushes to the stove and turns it on. However, he is left surprised when no fire came ablaze. What's more, he didn't feel any heat or heard any gas. "Wait, you have got to be kidding me?! This isn't a gas stove?! Why the hell does this house have to have an electric one?! I bet it's going to take forever to get hot!" Koichi shouted. He bent down to try the oven but found it was also electric. He was wasting time. The more he stalled, the quicker the tank got as it destroyed the lights on the walls. Getting closer, Koichi's eyes widened as he sees the hall becoming increasingly dark.

'W-w-what do I do now?!' Koichi panicked in thought as he struggled to think about what he should do. His eyes fell upon the kettle and shouted, "I bet that kettle has hot water in it! Try and find me now!" Koichi grabbed the kettle, opened it and threw it near the door. Hoping that it would spill the hot water and Heart Attack would go for it instead. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

"AAAH! It's empty!" Koichi shouted as just as Heart Attack entered the kitchen. Searching for the next source of heat as it ticks down, inch by inch, ready to explode once again. Koichi's heart leapt into his throat as he began to breathe heavily. Fear and panic waged war inside as his body began to heat up for Heart Attack to see him. "Get over here!" Heart Attack shouted as it revved up its treads and sped towards Koichi.

"Calm down. It's like Mr. Jotaro said, I need to carefully observe. Focus. This thing has a weakness. I never noticed it till now." Koichi said. His fear and panic slowly, yet successfully diminishing as he turns off the stove. A new sensation filled Koichi's heart as he glared at the incoming tank. "You're really starting to piss me off..." He said as his fighting green aura erupted around him. His hair change from its flattop style right back to the spiky look he gained in fighting Kobayashi. Reverb ACT2 appearing beside him.

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