Chapter 5: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 1

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Author's note: A "yankee"; a Japanese version of the American "gangster thug" image.

"Yeah. We've taken care of Angelo for good, but it'll be a while until we're back." Jotaro says as he stood in his hotel room, holding onto a folder while talking on the phone. "About that other photo, we've been looking into, if you would please send it over to me. That's right, from Egypt, the one the Speedwagon Foundation found ten years ago. I think I might've figured it out. Later then." He says as he hangs up the phone. Ironically, this was all thanks to Angelo. At least that's what Jotaro thinks as he thought back to the other day. What Angelo said really bothered him.


"Josuke! Let's be frank, yeah, I murdered your grandpa, but that doesn't mean you can put me to death too! If you kill me, you'll end up cursed just like yours truly! So back off if you know what's good for ya!" Angelo yelled.

Josuke's Stand punched Angelo's hand breaking it and crushing it against the large rock. "It's rude to point your finger at people, didn't your mother ever teach you that?" Josuke told him. Angelo screamed as his hand healed but with the rock now fused with the flesh of his hand. "What the hell did you do to my hand?!" Angelo yelled

"You should take solace in the fact no one's going to execute you. Not me and not this guy either. We won't be killing you, nor will we be turning you in to the police." Josuke said.

"Josuke, you handle the rest." Jotaro said.

Angelo started to freak out even more. "What the hell are you psychotic bastard's planning to do?!"

"Enjoy your eternal penance, Angelo! Reflect on the life you stole from my grandpa and all the others!!" Josuke yelled as he summoning his shining Stand. It attacked Angelo throwing punch after punch, pummeling the man into the large rock behind him. When he was done Angelo was a part of the rock, his face sticking out with a scream coming out of his mouth.

"Damn you bastards all to hell! I wouldn't get cocky, you little shithead! You think you've won but he'll be here to butcher you into bloody pieces soon enough!!" Angelo said.

"What? Who is 'He'?" Josuke asked.

"Oh, you'll find out. He wears a school uniform and he's the one who gave me this power." Angelo said.

"Hang on... You're saying...that there's someone out there who can bestow the power of a Stand?" Jotaro questioned.

"Scared? Hehehehe." Angelo laughed.

"Yeah, nice try pal. But what's so scary about that?" Josuke asked.

"Wait, he's telling the truth about not being born a Stand user. Thing is, no one knew how he obtained his powers. Just think about it, what if there really is a person who can impart Stands to others?" Jotaro said.

"Petrifying thought, isn't it? Do you want to know more?" Angelo said with a sick smirk. "It happened last year, 1998." Angelo proceeded to tell the two how on the night before his execution, he was struck by an arrow through the mouth. He thought he was dying when a figure wearing a school uniform appeared. When he survived the ordeal the guy explained his new-found powers. 

"Congratulations, you survived." He had said. "And what's more, you have talent. Otherwise, you'd be dead right now. As of this moment, you've acquired a special ability." The young man gripped Angelo's head in one hand and grabbed the arrow, tugging it for it to get loose. "Or perhaps I should simply say, that I extracted it from your soul. The more wicked the criminal, the more talent he holds. It's a talent that a man named Dio once referred to as a Stand." He says as he wrests the arrow out and bringing Aqua Necklace. With his new Stand, Angelo was able to escape execution.

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