Chapter 31: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1

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On a bright, sunny day in Morioh, salaryman named Yoshikage Kira is relaxing at home with his beloved girlfriend. He was sitting on his porch clipping his nails while she waited for him to come to join her for breakfast as sweet, soft music plays on the radio. When he was done, he turned to his lovely lady with a smile. "Now, let's dig in, shall we?" He asks. "Oh, but before we begin, I have a little something for you."

His girlfriend looked a little surprise. She wondered what kind of 'little something' her dear Yoshi, she likes to call him that, has for her. He got up and walked towards the table, he really surprised her when he pulled out a small box from his jacket and reveals a beautiful ring. She smiled when Kira puts the ring on her finger. Kira smiled when she did as she gave him a smile that was filled with gratitude. She felt so lucky to have a man as kind and loving as he. And Kira felt lucky to have such an exceptional partner like her.

After all, all Kira truly wants is a nice, simple life. Just him and his lovely lady. That's all he wants in life.

The day passed by and it was already into the afternoon. Kira walked out of his office job and started to head off for lunch when he was stopped by someone calling out to him. "Excuse me, Mr. Kira?" Kira stops and looks back at three women. He recognised them as his new co-workers from his department. They were smiling and appeared to be hopeful. "Mr. Kira, I know this is super last minute, but would you be interested in getting lunch with us?" One of them asked.

"Apologies, but I must decline. I need to finish delivering these documents before the day gets away from me. Enjoy your lunch." He says as he walks away without giving them a chance to respond. The women looked a tad disappointed before another man, a co-worker approached them. "Don't waste your time on him. He'd suck the life out of the party. The guys and I invite him out on occasion, but we can never tell if he's having fun or hates us." He tells them. Yoshikage Kira, age 33, single. He's a model employee, that's for damn sure, but the guy's dull as dishwater. It's not that he's necessarily a tool or anything, he's just kinda...blah, you know."

After Kira had finished in delivering the documents, it was time to gets some lunch. On the way, his girlfriend met up with him, and, together, went over to St. Gentlemen sandwich shop. Now, Kira was more than happy to be spending lunchtime with his girlfriend, but it worried him when she looked less than enthusiastic. She gave him a small pouted look while he lightly chuckles at her as she tells him what was bothering her. She had seen him earlier with those women.

"Oh, is that right? Someone's a little bent out of shape. Some new girls at work invited me to lunch, really, it's as innocent as that. But I promised lunch was our time together." Kira tells her as he picks up a tray with a pair of tongs as they search on what to get. "I'd never go back on my word just to fraternised with them. You heard me turn them down, didn't you? In the time, we've known each other, I've never left you by your lonesome, right?" His girlfriend thought about and became embarrassed. Oh, what was she thinking? Yoshi would never cheat on her. She was just being silly. She shyly nodded her head with a small smile.

"Good, it's settled. Now stop this silly fretting and let's pick out some sandwiches." Kira suggested. His girlfriend happily nodded as they looked through the variety of sandwiches to choose from. "Now, which one do you want?" Her eyes landed on a katsu sandwich and thought it looked delicious.

Kira takes her hand and places it on top of one of the sandwiches. "Mmm, this one has a delicate texture. This bakery's one of my favourites. It makes sandwiches with bread made fresh at 11 AM, they're all the rage around her. You'd be lucky to one on the shelf after 1 PM. Even through the wrapper, you can feel they're fresh from the oven. The katsu they use is always freshly fried and perfectly crispy." Kira tells her. She nodded, listening to his words, but then she let out a gasp when her fingernails accidentally break through the wrapper and got sauce her fingers. Oh no...! Now Kira is going to get mad at her.

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