Chapter 4: Josuke Higashikata VS Angelo!

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Hajime was leaving his house, slipping on his shoes before stepping out the door with Saya right behind him. "Have a great day at work, dad. Be safe." Saya smiled at him. Hajime smiled and nodded. "I will. I'll be stopping by that bakery we visited before. You want anything?" He asked.

Saya thought about it and said, "Anything that's cream-filling sounds good."

"Works for me. Alright, you be sure to lock up before you leave." Hajime said with a smile as he took a step forward but paused when his foot knocked into something.

"Huh? Oh, it's the milk delivery." Hajime said as he picked up a bottle. "Great, I could take some with m...what the?" Saya became worried when her father got that stern look at his face. "What's wrong?" She asked. Hajime narrows his eyes and presented the bottle to her. "The seal is broken on this one." Saya examined the seal of the bottle and saw that her father was right. Saya peers down at the rest of the bottles of milk and sees all the seals are broken. "They're all broken! What kinda crap is this?" Saya questioned.

Without a second thought, Hajime tossed all the bottles of milk in the trash. "It doesn't matter. Let's forget about that, I'll pick some up after work."

In the bushes next to Saya's house, a growl of anger could be heard as the tall man drops all of the milk in the trash bins. Saya waved her father goodbye and head to Josuke's house next door. He was very happy to have found that she and him were neighbours as it meant they could walk to school together. Saya was happy as well, it would be rather boring if she had to walk by herself. She walked up to Josuke's front door and rung the doorbell.

"Coming." A female voice called. The door opened and a pretty woman appeared. She was a woman of seemingly average height and slim to medium build. She wears dark, straight, roughly neck-length black hair with a hairpin and brown eyes. "Hello?" The woman questioned.

'This must be Josuke's mother. I can see the resemblance.' Saya thought. She gave the woman a bright smile and greeted her, "Hello ma'am, my name is Saya Yukimori. I'm sorry we haven't met before, but I live next door to you. Is Josuke ready for school? He said he'd walk with me." The woman looked stunned for a second before a smile appeared on her face.

'A pretty girl for Josuke! That Hajime was holding out on me when he mentioned his daughter!' Tomoko thought. During their stay in Morioh, Saya would always leave the house to explore and see what the town had to offer, not once stopping by to greet the neighbourhood like her father had. At first, Tomoko held her guard up upon first meeting Hajime as she thought he was going to flirt with her like so many had before. But once she had seen how of a kind gentleman he was, the two created a good friendship and got along very quickly. "Come in, come in! Josuke's almost ready, come have something to drink while you wait." Tomoko smiled, pulling Saya in.

Unnoticed by the two a man with a smirk sat outside watching the house. Tomoko led Saya to the kitchen where she was making breakfast. "I've met your father time to time but I haven't met you yet. But you've met Josuke?" Tomoko asked with the smile still present on her face. "Uh, yeah...yesterday. Funny how things work." Saya replied with a shy blush.

"Ah, well, I'm glad that you and your father are settling in nicely so far." Tomoko turned to Saya and asked, "Have you had any breakfast yet?"

"No, not yet. My father had already left for work and I had came here afterwards. Guess, I forgot. But, it's okay, I'll just wait-!" "No!" Tomoko slammed a plate in front of Saya, making her jump. "A young lady needs proper nutrition while growing up." Tomoko put some food on the girl's plate. Saya stared up at the woman with shock and was frozen for a moment before she smiled nervously, "Well if you insist. Who am I to deny free food?"

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