Chapter 41: I'm an Alien, part 2

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Later on, the students made it into town and were making their way to an ice cream shop. On Monday mornings, considering it was the most horrible day of the week, Okuyasu wanted to get some ice cream before school started and the young couple was on board for that, but when they arrived they discovered that the ice cream shop was closed. "Aaaaagh, no! The ice cream store closed! But this is the only thing that makes Monday mornings bearable!" Okuyasu cried.

"There's nothing we can do about now, so let's just go." Josuke said.

"Cheer up, I'm sure they'll be open when we come back after school." Saya said as she patted Okuyasu's back.

"Would you three care for some ice cream?"

The trio turned their heads and, much to their surprise, see that weird boy again.

"Well? Would you like the cream?" He asked again.

"Obviously, but the place is closed. We're shit out of luck." Okuyasu stated.

"That is no reason to give up." The boy said as he reaches into his bag, searching through it. "I just so happen to have three here." He pulled out three plastic-wrapped cones of ice cream. "It's a quid pro quo for the tissues you gave me." He said with a friendly smile as he handed a cone over to Okuyasu, Saya and Josuke. "Earth seems quite livable indeed. That it does."

"What? Why do you have ice cream cones in your bag and how are they cold?" Okuyasu asked.

"Are the ice of creams unsatisfactory?"

"That's not the point right now, alien boy! Who the hell are you, for real?!" Okuyasu shouted at him.

"Bizarre. If I recall I already told you. Ah, you want me to introduce myself. How could I forget? You may here address me as Nu Mikitakazo Nshi. I've lived 216 cycles. I am the sole pilot of a spaceship and I also rather enjoy owning house pets. This is the house mouse that spends its days in my bag. He particularly likes it when I brush his back." To prove his point, ....this guy pulls out the small brown mouse from his bag. Using their Stands Okuyasu, Josuke and Saya had a silent conversation.

"This freak's a Stand user. No doubt about it. Let's send him to the hospital!" Okuyasu said.

"Use your brain, Okuyasu. Do you really think a Stand user would make up a story about being from the Magellanic Clouds?" Josuke said.

"Well, if you're so smart, what the hell is he?!" Okuyasu questioned

"Maybe he's just some shut-in kid with an overactive imagination or he was hit so hard that he's in some delusional coma." Saya said.

"I don't have the foggiest idea, but it's time to find out. Don't eat that ice cream." Josuke said, already knowing his simple-minded friend was already trying to open the packet of ice cream. Okuyasu froze mid-action and stopped when he did. Josuke and Saya just put their away and the three teens stared at the self-proclaimed alien boy.

Okuyasu tilted to the side and asked, "You're 216 years old?"

"Yes." Mikitaka said he copied Okuyasu's movements, tilting his body to the side too.

"Hmmm...." Okuyasu started tapping his foot and Mikitaka did so too. He was copying everything he was doing. It would've cute if he wasn't so weird. Seriously...was this kid a Stand user...or...was he really an alien? Okuyasu then started picking his nose. "And you're some kind of space ship pilot?" Mikitaka too tried picking his nose but had trouble with the nose ring he had. "Yo! Why are you copying me?" Okuyasu asked, not taking his finger out of his nose.

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