Chapter 55: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Part 1

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Hayato let out a horrified scream. He stared out his bedroom window and knew where he was again. Shinobu had just entered the room and was staring at her young son in silent bewilderment. What had possessed him to start screaming like that? He couldn't just answer her like a normal person? "Oh, Hayato, I guess you're already awake. I'm glad you finally decided to answer me, but there's no reason to scream this early in the morning." Shinobu tells him, not noticing just how much Hayato was shaking and how hard he was breathing. "Breakfast is ready, come and get it." She closed the door behind her, leaving Hayato to deal with the trauma of what he had just witnessed alone.

Tears quickly formed and trailed down his cheeks as he fell to his knees. The grief and guilt he had in his heart were almost too much for him to bear. Hayato keeled over and gripped his head. Wanting to get rid of those horrible visions, but no matter how hard he tried, they will forever be a part of him. He will never be able to forget about their deaths. He cried and cried in the silence of his bedroom. "I tried... But I couldn't stop him... He got them too... It doesn't matter what I do now, in one hour, fate will run its course and Rohan and his friends will be wiped out from the face of the Earth. It's over, it's all my fault." Hayato sobbed. Having witnessed ten people being killed under his eyes, the young child realised just how much of a monster Kira truly was.

"I can't even kill myself. If I died, he wouldn't be able to use his power but Bites the Dust is programmed to "protect" me! He's unstoppable! Yoshikage Kira is a monster!! Unless he dies or decides to shut off Bites the Dust at just the right time, those guys are gonna be blown sky high! He's made sure of it!" Hayato said as he continued to cry. What else was he going to do? He tried everything he could think of but nothing worked. And if today goes exactly as it does, then those innocent people and many more will continue to die and their blood will be on his hands. That is if Kira doesn't kill him and his mother when he's done with them. The only possible ways for this all to end is if he.... is if..he...

Hayato stopped crying and slowly got up to his feet. Wait... that... that was it wasn't it? That's what needs to be done... Hayato's eyes slightly widened as it dawned on him. He turned to his backpack and walked over to it. He opened it and pulled out his boxcutter. Raising the blade. "He either has to die or shut off Bites the Dust at just the right moment..." Hayato says to himself. It's crazy. He has never thought he'd ever be capable of something like killing a person in cold blood. For God's sake, he was a puny 11-year-old kid, what can he do against a monster like Kira..? Wait... A monster... A monster... Hayato let out a gasp as he looked up the ceiling. The reflection of the blade was placed at just the spot. A monster. That's it..! 11-years-old or not, there's one thing Hayato can use to take him down for good.

Hayato left his bedroom and carefully snuck into the attic. When he peered inside, he spotted the draped-over object. It was still there, exactly where Hayato last saw it. That...that cat, plant thing. Hayato carefully approached it and reached out to the blanket. He may not have the power or strength to kill Kira, but he knows that this thing does. Kira called him his secret weapon earlier. Well, now he's got his own weapon and it's slumbering in the shadows of the attic. Hayato carefully lifted the blanket and saw the sleeping cat-plant creature. Hayato broke out in a nervous sweat as he stared down at the creature. He knew exactly the amount of damage this thing was capable of. 'I've never prayed before...but if there's a God out there, I need you to come through for me. Please, God... Help me find the strength to kill this homicidal maniac!'

With extreme care, Hayato placed the blanket over it and took it in his arms. He quietly sneaked it back down and headed straight to his room. Now in the safety of his bedroom, Hayato hides Stray Cat into his backpack, making sure it remained covered up. However, he needed to do a small test run. If he's right about it, Stray Cat just have the right amount of power to kill Kira. Hayato grabbed a very thick textbook and walked over to his backpack. It was positioned so it was given the sun's light. Just a bit, he needed to play this safe. Hayato held the book in front of him and he pulled back the frontal sheet. As soon as the small light touched its face, Stay Cat opened its eyes and reacted. Hayato nearly panicked as Stray Cat let out an aggressive hiss and fired to air bullets at him. Hayato quickly put the sheet back in place to quell the creature. Th-...that was too close! That was way too close!

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