Chapter 40: I'm an Alien, part 1

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"I cannot believe this. Just when you and Saya have finally begun to move on with your lives, this son of a bitch shows up! I don't even know how that asshole knew she was here!" Airi shouts as she paces around Hajime's office/workshop. After the phone call and taking Saya out of the cafe, the family talked about what the hot issue was. Safe to say, neither of them expected this to happen. Let alone the fact that their past had somehow tracked them down. Airi was, of course, upset over the situation, Hajime was trying to keep himself under control by designing a new line of clothing, and Saya? Well, that's what Hajime and Airi were worried for the most.

When they told of what's happening, she just gave them a blank stare and went up to her room without so much of a word. But they both knew that somewhere deep down, Saya was going out there in search for blood. They can't let that happened, not when they've come so far in getting a clean slate. "I don't know either. Morioh's a small town, that's a fact, however, that thing still doesn't know she lives. As long as that's true we got time to handle it ourselves before Saya to it first." Hajime said as he pauses his sewing to look at his niece. "Maybe I should call my brother, Saya can stay with him and his wife for a little while. It's almost summer, so there should be no problem."

"I'm sure mother and father would love to see Saya, and no doubt father would allow her sanctuary there, but that'll create a rift between her and the friends she's made here, not to mention with the only boy she maintains a good relationship with. We can't tell them what's going on and if we just send her away without telling them, they'll question us. But then again, even if we do tell them they'll just stress Saya out, unintentionally, and she'll still go out." Airi said. She gripped her head as she tried to think of a plausible solution on how to deal with this. Hajime pauses in his sewing and lets out a tired sigh. He rubbed his eyes and went over to a glass cabinet on the far side of his office.

It held a black trench coat, slightly worn out with several tears on it. It was hung so that the back was facing whoever was looking at it. It showed an outlined picture of the head of wild dog baring his razor-sharp fangs. This was Hajime's old trench coat, but when he and his brother were still in their gang before they retired. Back then they were known as the Ebony Hellhounds. Get in their way and you'll see what Hell looks like. Both brothers gave up that life when they wanted to start a family. But seeing that an old scar was back to bring his daughter harm, Hajime was conflicted. He was torn between being sneaky and sending his daughter away or going out there and become the Hellhound once more.

Hajime sighed. "Time like this I wish she would call and offer some advice."

"Who?" Airi asked.

"An old friend I had way back then. We were close but when deciding our career choices, we tried to keep in contact and eventually we lost touch. But she was still a great friend and I know she would give me good advice. I wonder how Aya's doing now these days." Hajime said. He was still looking at his old trench coat, so he didn't see Airi's shocked expression. She knew of that name and right now she could only think of one person with that name. Cautiously she asked, "She sounds...nice. Who was she?"

"Aya Tsuji. Haha, she was a bit quirky and a bit of a romantic, but she was such a delight to hand out with. She adored Cinderella and often wished to become the modern Fairy Godmother." Hajime said. Airi's heart stopped at that. Now she fully understood. She knew about Aya because Saya had told her what happened to her. Airi thought against telling Hajime the truth about her. He has good memories of her and she didn't want to taint them. "I bet Ms. Tsuji would've given you the advice you need." She said softly.

Meanwhile, Saya was in her room in complete darkness. She was laying in her bed with an empty expression. So many thoughts ran through her head. Thoughts of 'how' and 'why'. Thoughts of anger and hatred. Thoughts of her friends and her beloved Josuke. Saya knew that bastard was never going to stop unless someone forces it. Everything that Saya has gained in the time she's spent in Morioh will all be taken from her as long as that thing continues to persists in butting into her life. But she wasn't going to let that happen. Not again. She was going to end this.

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