Chapter 38: Rosham Boy is Here!, Part 1

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"Years ago, I took a trip to Egypt where I met an old hag named Enyaba. She told me to fire this arrow at whoever it desired. For the impaled would become my ally, after the initial shock, they would witness a unique power rising up from deep recesses of their soul." Yoshihiro said as he flies around Morioh in his photograph, searching for people to turn into Stand Users with his arrow. "If memory serves she referred to them as Stands. Jotaro Kujo. If he and his minion army of hitman are pursuing my dear Yoshikage, then I'll have to create my own army. One like no other. An army of Stand Users."

Yoshihiro flew down a street and hide himself behind a post box. His eyes scoured through each citizen that was near or passing by. Any one of them could be a potential Stand user for his army to kill the Joestar Group. "Here we are, arrow. The time has come to select your prey. Which of these vessels do you desire?" He asks the arrow. Holding it out so it may be free to choose the next user. However, instead of choosing any of the citizens in front, the arrow shifts off the side to point at a... what?

"A telephone pole? Why would you want a telephone-?" Yoshihiro began to ask before he lifted his eyes to see the arrow's true target. A young boy who was climbing the telephone pole to reach for some fruit from a tree. He was a young boy of short stature, slim build, and medium straight white hair and yellow eyes. His attire consists of a green headband, open ankle-high brown sandals and black shortalls with both straps on one shoulder; the garment is adorned on all sides by several large safety pins.

"Wait a minute. You desire that child? So you're telling me a child is to become the first of my new allies?!" Yoshikage questions before an evil smirk plastered itself on his face. "If that is your will, I'll pierce the lad's soul and add him to our ranks!" Without wasting another second, Yoshihiro steadies himself and then fires at the boy.

At the train station, Rohan stands beside the main entrance as he pulls out his camera and proceeds to take photos of any and all office worker that commutes through the train. During his photo shoot, he incidentally takes a photo of Joseph with the invisible baby in his arms. "Well, if it isn't our manga artist extraordinaire." The elder Joestar says as he walks over to the green-eyed mangaka. "I hope you're having a good morning, sir." Rohan says as he puts his camera away in his bag.

"Hm. Snapping a few photos, eh?"

"I'm trying to take candid shots of office workers while on their morning commute." Rohan explains to the old man. Joseph lets out a sound of interest as he turns his head to look at the many people going to and fro in the train station. "Just think about it. Yoshikage Kira, he stole someone's identity, correct? Well, he's probably commuting to work just as his victim once did."

"You think?" Joseph asked.

Rohan nods his head in agreement as he reaches into his bag and pulls out a book that holds all of the photographs he has taken so far. "He's between 25 and 35, and nearly 2 meters tall. Add in he's an office worker and our suspect pool dramatically decreases." He said.

"I see. But how can you be sure he uses this exact station? He could just as easily commute by car." Joseph said, pondering about the method of transportation Kira might be using now. To be fair, there were multiple possibilities.

"That could be the case. But, though he may have changed his face, it's very likely that he will still fall into old habits. Habits, that will arouse the suspicion of his cover family. By now they must realise something's amiss." Rohan says. "My biggest fear is that the family will recognise their intruder, prompting him to eliminate them as well. And don't you think for a moment that I'm going soft. I just want to find Kira before he wreaks more havoc."

"Hey, tall bros!!" A loud, obnoxious voice called out to them. The mangaka and the old man turned to see the young boy, the one that Yoshihiro fired his arrow at, standing before them with a soccer ball and a hole in his cheek. "Does one of you want to play me in a game of roshambo?" He asked as he held up his hand. He didn't even wait for a reply as he yelled out, "Ro-Sham-." But he stopped when neither Rohan nor Joseph made any reaction to him or his demands. Just stared at him like the weird little kid he was. "What, are you two deaf or something?! Play with me!"

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