Chapter 27: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 2

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The next day the teens met up with Shigechi at the park to discuss their plans, although Saya wasn't as thrilled with it like the others and that she stated she didn't want any part of this, she had to be there to make sure neither of them get into trouble. Or at the very least try to take advantage of Harvest to score a quick buck.

Upon learning how much money Shigechi made just from the loose change, Josuke and Okuyasu strike up a business friendship with him, using Harvest to search for discarded stickers and vouchers that can be exchanged for larger cash rewards. When Harvest returned to them, they've collected at least over a hundred-thousand.

Once they've gotten what they needed the group when to the Kame-yu Market and Josuke went it alone to exchange the stickers for money. While he went to exchange them, the others waited for him outside. But Saya couldn't understand why Okuyasu and Shigechi were hiding. "Um, Okuyasu, I'm getting kinda nervous. You think Josuke's gonna be okay? Turning those things into money sounds really tricky."

"Relax Shigechi. Give Josuke a chance to work his magic." Okuyasu says.

"Well...let's just see how things go." Saya said. At the same time as they awaited for Josuke to come out, Koichi just so happened to be walking from across the street from them. He looked over and smiled when he saw his friends, though he was confused at who the new character was. Still, he smiled and had called out to them.

"Okuyasu! Saya!" Then suddenly, he got a creepy chill running down his spine as he felt eyes watching him. He looked behind him, and to his horror, saw Yukako watching him from behind the pillars of a building. He freaked out at the sight of her and he immediately ran away from her before she could do anything.

However, this shocked Yukako and she had looked away in shame. Koichi had run off without Saya or Okuyasu even knowing he was there. Eventually, Josuke had walked out of the Kame-yu Market, looking very serious as his friends ran over to him. "Hey, Josuke, how'd it go in there?" Okuyasu asked. "Did you managed to get our money?" But Josuke didn't respond.

"Josuke?" Saya asks in concern.

"They didn't tell you to piss off, did they?" Okuyasu asked.

"I found out that the CD shop and toy store don't do cashback. That said, we can exchange the coupons for about 40,000 yen worth of CD's and video games." Josuke explains to them.

"Yeah, yeah, that doesn't matter right now. What about Kame-yu? Please tell me you were able to get cash for the Kame-yu stickers." Okuyasu said, practically begging Josuke to give a bit of good news. Josuke then looked somewhat glum and held his head. "Not exactly. Something unexpected came up last minute." He said.

"S-something unexpected?" Okuyasu asked. Both he and Shigechi were now getting worried that this whole thing might've been a bust. Saya seemed to think so as she placed a comforting hand on her boyfriend's arm. She was going to say something that'll cheer him up, but then Josuke whipped out a stack of cash and got a huge smile on his face. "We got 61,500 yen back instead!!" He boasted. "Behold, the genuine article Shigechi!"

"Oh boy, oh boy it's real money!" Shigechi exclaimed as he held the money in his hands with a wide grin.

"Real cash right before my very eyes! This is like a dream come true!!" Okuyasu shouted.

"You are the best Shigechi! Your Harvest is amazing no other Stand's ever come close to its prowess!" Josuke said with a bright smile to Shigechi. The portly boy then suddenly became very humble and looked over at his seniors with an insecure expression. "Really? You mean it, you think it's amazing? Oh wow...I don't usually get compliments, you guys have been super nice. I don't know what to say. Do you really think I'm amazing?"

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