Chapter 12: Yukako Yamagishi's Love Deluxe, part 3

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"Oh, Koichi...." Yukako says softly when she heard motorcycles coming from the distance. She looked over and saw Koichi's friends riding up and pulling over. Scouting the area, no doubt searching for Koichi. "It's them." She spat out with much venom. Yukako hide behind a tree as she watched the other teens.

"This vacation spot is the one place I know that's by the sea and lots of empty houses." Josuke said.

"Yeah, but that's great and all. But there is still tons of houses around here. How do we find out which one he's in?" Okuyasu asked.

"By finding the phone booth. Koichi did call us using a public phone, right? Once, we find that booth. We'll start searching the nearby houses one by one." Josuke said.

"With a small area like this, there should only be a handful of payphones. Let's get to searching." Saya said.

"Right." Okuyasu said, nodding his head agreement.

Yukako narrowed her eyes at them and started walking back towards the house. "Search all you want. Sweet, adorable Koichi belongs to me. I'll never let anyone else have him." She proclaims as she approaches the house once more and sees the door open up. Revealing Koichi standing at the doorway and cutting off his hair to remove the hair she implanted in his scalp and giving himself a flat-top. "I strongly suggest you keep your distance Yukako. And you should believe me when I tell you there's just no way that your powers can compete with Reverb ACT2's new abilities." He warns her. "Our days of playing house are over."

His words caused her to become even more enraged. As proof, her left eye began to twitch. 'Now my left eyelid is twitching. Since I was a kid, getting upset always set off my orbicularis oculi! It was always a weird tick that said I was about to get violent!' She thought to herself as she shouts out at Koichi. "Oh, and just so you know one stupid little modification doesn't suddenly make you a big shot! I'm gonna have to get a little rough now!" She comes to the house but burns her hand on the stair rail as Koichi implanted the word sizzle on it, causing the rail to feel hot.

"It's hot!" She screamed. "Damn it! How could you do this?! Koichi, you shit! You burned my hand!"

"When you said you were going to get a little rough, I didn't think you meant your vulgar mouth." Koichi said with his arms cross.

Every word he said, every action he makes causes Yukako to get more and more angry with him. Her left eye twitched nonstop as she glares at him. This isn't what she wants from a man! This isn't the Koichi she wants! He is getting too cocky! He belongs to her and he shouldn't defy her. "How dare you do this after all I've done. You pants-wetting shrimp! You are mine! You belong to me, but you dare defy me?! I owe you!!" She yells as she launches her hair at him. Koichi had Reverb ACT2 fire its attack on her but as her hair expanded, he didn't see it connect and believes he missed. He starts to get a little nervous as her hair began breaking through the house and wrapping itself around.

The others were able to easily locate the payphone. Before they could start searching the houses nearby a loud crash caught their attention. "You guys hear that?" Saya asked her friends. Josuke nodded his head. "Yeah, I heard it. Could be wrong but it sounded like something broke." He said. Okuyasu pointed to a house just down the road and said, "Hey, I think it's that house." Saya narrowed her eyes staring at the house. "What the hell is covering it? Don't tell me...ah, crap! That's her hair!"

"What!" The two boys shouted. "Come on! Koichi's in serious trouble!" Saya shouted, running towards the house, Okuyasu and Josuke following after her. Koichi gazed over around house and was shocked to find how her hair can grow to such great lengths. Her soul was more powerful than he originally thought. But it was a dark and vindictive soul. Yukako moved her hair so that Koichi was locked in her sights. "So its name is Reverb. Pathetic. I figured out the secret behind your trick, all I have to do is avoid touching that writing. Now, I'll ask you this one more time, you love me, right Koichi?"

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