Chapter 53: Another One Bites the Dust, Part 2

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As soon as Hayato was away from Kira's grasp, he gave him a look that clearly said that no matter what he said or did, Hayato will always find a way to defy him. Stepping out into the bathroom, Hayato bravely proclaimed, "If you so much as lay a finger on me, your whole cover will be blown sky high! Stay the hell away from me and my mom! It's non-negotiable, you got that?! Stay away or I'll reveal everything!" Hayato quickly gathered up his clothing and rushed to get away from Kira. Aiming to escape, but the poor boy hadn't made it in time. For as soon as Hayato opened the door leading out into the hall, Kira had succumbed to his anger.

"You're adorably naive!! As if I'd let someone find me out!" Kira shouted. Deadly Queen quickly manifested and grabbed Hayato's head. Knowing that it had touched a lock of his hair activated its ability and effectively killed the boy. He didn't even make a sound. His clothes scattering out into the hall.

Kira was now growing increasingly worried as he struggled to figure out what to do next. His anger had gotten the best of him, he had barely managed to hide the corpse from Shinobu, and the possibility that he'll get expose is rising with each passing second. His father, floating behind him was equally as worried. "Getting rid of that Hayato brat was the very height of foolishness. You, of all people, should've known that." He told him.

"Quiet, I'm trying to think of a way out of this." Kira says, still gnawing at his fingers.

"Don't waste time, it's too late for that now." Yoshihiro says as he flew closer to his murderer of a son. "You did a remarkable job of making it look as though he fell and hit his head, but your timing really couldn't have been worse. Rohan Kishibe has already begun his investigation into Hayato Kawajiri." This made Kira tense up and stare out in shock. "They don't know for sure yet that Kosaku Kawajiri is Yoshikage Kira, but they're coming here tomorrow to find out once and for all." Kira fell to his knees as he continued to bite at his fingers. He was slowly losing all sense of control. If he doesn't find a way to escape this horrible position he put himself in, it'll be the end of his perfectly peaceful life. What should he do? What should he do?!

"Son, you mustn't remain in this house a minute longer." Yoshikage tells him.

"Will you stop talking, I'm trying to think." Kira said. Seeing that he was biting into his fingers to bloody raw meat, Yoshihiro began to cry for his son. He couldn't bear to see him in such a miserable state. His poor, sweet boy.

"Even when you were a boy when things didn't go your way and you felt the world was against you, you'd always bite your nails until your fingers were raw. Oh, my poor, sweet boy. Oh, the misery you must be suffering." Yoshihiro says as he wept for his son. Under such desperate circumstances, Yoshihiro suggested to him. "We've run out of options here, kiddo. You must leave this wretched town for good. If you get out now, you still have a chance to escape and hold to your anonymity."

Kira's eyes went wide as he looked at his father. He almost didn't catch what he had just said to him. Once he processed it, he swiftly turned around and gripped his photograph firmly in his hands. "Are you seriously asking me to run away and abandon Morioh? Living every moment in excruciating secrecy is one of the most horrible experiences a person can go through, and I refuse to go back to that hell!" Kira says, vehemently refuses to become a fugitive and lose all hope of a peaceful life. "I swear I will never leave this town." Yoshihiro stared up at his son in shock, but at the same time, he wasn't too surprised at his refusal to pack up and leave. But what other option do they have? If they don't figure out something soon, Rohan, Josuke, Jotaro, Saya, and whoever else will come by the house and interrogate them.

While they were thinking of an alternative, a bludge appeared under the skin of Kira's hand. The two looked down and saw it to be the tip of...of the arrow!? They were shocked to see the arrow had pierced itself deep into Kira's left hand and mid-arm. "What the hell...?!" Kira yelled out as the two watched in near horror and disbelief as the arrow began to move up Kira's arm.

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