Chapter 9: Surface. She's his WHAT?!

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"You serious?" Josuke asked. "So, I guess we aren't the only Stand users at this school after all, huh." Josuke, Koichi, and Saya were gathered in front of school talking to Tamami. The short man had some important information for them regarding other Stand users.

"Right." Tamami said, holding up a picture of a boy. A teenage male, being short in stature. He has long, straight black hair, black eyes, pale skin and wears a teal school uniform with the character "" along the collar and several yellow belts spread vertically down the chest- mirroring a straitjacket. "Toshikazu Hazamada enrolled as a junior in group C. Apparently, he and his buddy had falling out over something trivial right before the spring term started. Seems the 'friend' dissed Hazamada favourite idol or anime or something. Normally, that be nothing to write home about, but everything changed one night. When the friend he was arguing with gouged out his own eye with a mechanical pencil."

"Oh, God..." Saya said.

"It's crazy, right? I hear Hazamada's friend said this in the hospital: 'When I came to, I was staring at my eyeball in my hand with the only eye I had left.'" Koichi cringed with a fearful look on his face. "So you're saying, this guy ripped out his friend's eye and he used some kind of Stand to do the job?" Josuke said.

"Well, that could be what happened here, but there's no sure-fire way to find out. Remember, the average person isn't able to see a Stand." Tamami said.

"Yeah, I don't know. This all sounds fishy to me." Josuke said.

"What did you just say?! Josuke, I don't know how you think you are, but you've got no right to say that to me. I've got a real job now, y'know!" Tamami exclaimed.

"Hang on, you mean you're actually working now?" Koichi asked.

"I find that hard to believe." Saya said with a raised eyebrow.

"Course I am. I managed to land myself a sweet little gig in finance." Tamami said.

"Financing, huh?" Koichi questioned. "You sure that isn't code for 'loan shark' or something?"

"For now, let's just say I'm working with some good people." Tamami said.

"That's great, but did you forget about this. We've got work to do." Josuke said, taking the picture of Hazamada and walking away with Saya and Koichi following close behind.

Josuke, Koichi, and Saya travelled into the school searching for Hazamada. They made their way to his class hoping to find the teen there. "Here's class 3-C." Saya said. She opened the door slightly and peeked in. Koichi and Josuke crowded around the girl peeking inside too. There were several students in there but none of them matched the boy in the photo.

"It doesn't look like he's hiding out in this room." Koichi said.

"Honestly, it be kinda creepy if he was in here. Him coming back to school and acting like nothing happened, especially after digging out his friend's eye with a pencil. Guys like that are...psychos." Josuke said.

"Let's go check his locker." Saya suggested as the three walked away, unaware that they were being watched by Hazamada himself with a dark look. The three travelled down to the boys' locker room.

"Saya, you wait-."

"Aren't you guys coming?" Saya nonchalantly asked as she entered the boys' locker room. "Saya!!" Koichi cried out, surprised that the odd-eyed girl would enter the boys' locker room so casually. "Found it!" Saya called out to them, pointing to Hazamada's locker.

"W-What if someone sees you in here?!" Koichi exclaimed.

Saya thought about for a moment before she shrugs her shoulders. "Dunno, pretended that I got lost?"

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