Chapter 57: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Part 3

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Josuke knew he wasn't going to let Kira do whatever he felt like anymore. He was going to pay! Josuke rose to his feet and addressed the young boy. "Hayato. Hide against the wall until this is over. I don't want Kira laying eyes on you." Josuke said. Hayato followed Josuke's order backing up until he was pressed against the wall. Josuke surveyed the room before walking to the door that led to the main room. Peeking outside the door Josuke tried to calculate where Kira might enter the house. "Now which way? Which direction is he gonna attack from?" Josuke murmured. Saya sparked with electricity as she joined at Josuke's side, peeking out into the other room. Wherever Kira will strike, they'll be ready for it.

Hayato stayed in place but looked around the room. As he turned his head some of his hair fell from behind his ear. He pushed it back but the lock of hair immediately fell back. His hair started to sway before he felt something brush past his ear. Wait... Oh no, could this be-?! Brushing through his hair, Hayato's eyes went wide when he saw an air bubble fly past him and headed straight for Josuke and Saya.  "Hey, look out!!" Hayato called out. The two teens turned around but when they did, the bomb had turned invisible.

"It's an air bullet and it's moving right towards you, get out of the way! It's about the same size as the one from before. B-but I don't get it! How in the world was he able to track you down from all the way out there?! This doesn't make any sense!!" Hayato questioned.

"Freaking great." Josuke said.

"I see you, Josuke Higashikata. I know the exact distance between us. Three meters until impact." Kira says.

"Huh? Ah, Josuke, beside you." Saya told him. Josuke looked to the side and saw something that might help him to see. Josuke moved quickly and grabbed an ashtray on a table nearby tossing it releasing the ash into the air. With the ash littering the air it made the air bullet visible. "There's the culprit. And if I can see it now, that means Josuke and Saya can too. Yes! Now you can dodge it!" Hayato exclaimed.

Josuke grabbed a pack of cigarettes that was next to the ashtray along with a lighter. He lit the entire pack keeping his eyes on the floating bubble. "No matter how many of those he shoots, you can get out of the way." Hayato said. Josuke took a step to the right and the bubble followed. Josuke, Saya and Hayato gasped seeing how the bubbles' movement mimicked Josuke, following its target with ease.

"What the hell?" Josuke took a step backwards out of the doorway into the main foyer and the bubble continued to follow him.

"Wait, is it able to trace Josuke?" Hayato questioned.

"That can't be right. Kira might be using some type of trick." Saya said. Kira has been using his normal bombs, so none of them was they heat-seeking types. From the way Koichi had told them, they should've seen a tank or something if that were the case. So what's going on here? Josuke backed up continuing into the other room going up a set of stairs, the entire time the bubble keeping up with him as if it were linked to him with a chain.

"That hand hoarding killer's found a way to track my movements. Where is he? How can he see me?"Josuke questioned.

Saya and Hayato ran out of the room to see the bubble continue to follow Josuke. How? How could it be following him? "Hey, that room doesn't have any windows and where there are windows, the curtains are drawn! There's no way he could've seen you from outside! It must be automated! It's following you on autopilot!" Hayato shouted.

"No, I don't think so. Deadly Queen already has a homing device. It's an annoying little heat seeker called Heart Attack. Just look, this bullet is completely ignoring the lit cigarette. I don't know all the details, but I'm willing to bet that if it was a homing device, the air bullet couldn't penetrate the wall. And think about it, if this thing really was automated, Kira wouldn't always need to hit the kill switch himself. Shit bricks, how the hell does he know exactly where I am?!" Josuke said. The bubble sped up, barreling straight towards Josuke.

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