Chapter 23: A Sorrowful Plea From Beyond

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It was a pretty average day for young Koichi as he finished up another day at school. He didn't have many plans but so he decided to just go home and relax. He walked by a map of Morioh when he suddenly heard a voice calling his name. "Koichi." The grey-haired boy stopped as he turned to see who was calling him but found no one around. "I'm over here, Koichi." The boy quickly turned and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw a familiar face stepping out from behind the map. Rohan Kishibe, now fully recovered and out of the hospital, stood in front of him.

"Rohan Kishibe?!" Koichi shouted as he quickly went on the defensive and was preparing to bring out Reverb in case this guy was to try something. But then he paled when he remembered Airi. He met her once, but she can be just as scary as Saya. If he were to lay a hand on Rohan, she'll destroy him! The Mangaka gave a smile to the shorter male as he said, "Now, now. You don't have to be so defensive. My days of causing you harm are long past. Besides, after reading your history with Heaven's Door, I found myself filled with a deep sense of respect for you." Rohan then walked over to the teen and leaned in close. "I'd go so far as to say we're two peas in a pod. Wouldn't you agree?"

Koichi couldn't give an actual response as he let out a nervous laugh. Rohan stood up straight and then pulled out a map from his pocket. "Now then, I like to ask you a question if I may. You see, I used to call this area around here my home until I was four or so. I've spent the day trying to find my old residence. Nostalgia must've gotten the better of me, recalling one's childhood is central to a manga artist's work. However, those memories belong to a four-year-old, so they're a little bit foggy." He says. Koichi nodded his head, still nervous, as he wanted the Mangaka to know that he was listening.

Rohan then turned to the map beside them and placed his hand on it. "That's why I need your help. My question concerns this town's map, there's something odd about it. Look, this is the soba shop Arisugawa. Kisara Drugstore and the OWSON Convenient store, they're situated from right to left." Rohan tells Koichi as he points to the places on the map. He then points his attention to across the street. Pointing out the buildings themselves. Arisugawa and Kisara were both in their designated areas...excepted there was an alleyway between the drug store and convenience store. This confused Koichi greatly. He has lived in Morioh for sixteen years and he has never seen a road between OWSON and the drugstore.

"What sloppy work." Koichi said as he looked between the street and the map. "Koichi, would you tag along? I would be forever in your debt if you be my guide for a bit." Rohan then asked him. Koichi nearly jumped and turned his gaze away. Trying to think of a reasonable excuse as he does NOT want to be alone with him. "Well, I'd like to but the thing is..." Koichi began to say he was silence when Rohan gave him an unnerving stare. "That's the response you give after I asked so politely?" He questioned. "Fine, have it your way. I didn't realise showing me around for a few meters would be such a burden." He says as he promptly walked away, leaving Koichi where he stood.

Naturally, his words guilted Koichi enough to get him on board. "He sure is self-centred. What does Ms. Airi even see in him?" He sighed to himself before running to catch up with the talented Mangaka. "I can only spare five minutes, okay sensei?!" He said as the two made their way to the strange alleyway. As they entered, Rohan scanned his ultra-detailed map of Morioh but found no mentioning of this specific street existing. Koichi pointed out that since the map had an error the bookstore to which Rohan had got it from, it will owe him a gift certificate. Furthermore, as they passed by an old red mailbox, they found several home addresses, Rohan checks the map again and began to get annoyed.

"Blast it, this map is absolutely useless. Take a look Koichi, it doesn't show the Yonemori, Honma, or Onadera residents, there are mistakes everywhere. The bookstore is going to owe me more than two or three gift certificates." Rohan says in annoyance while Koichi scans the area. His eyes then landed on an old, abandoned house. It looked decrepit, several windows were smashed in and there was a lot of useless junk everywhere. Even an empty doghouse with the collar still attached. It looked like no one had lived in this house for years.

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