Chapter 11: Yukako Yamagishi's Love Deluxe, part 2

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Later the next day, Koichi awoke to find himself in a villa. He has no idea where he was or how Yukako had managed to bring him here. He could hear her humming from a different room, meaning she was close. He, obviously, considered calling for help but found the phone in the room he was in had been cut. Which means he couldn't make contact with the outside world.

That's when the door opened and Yukako came in with a tray filled with a gourmet breakfast. When Koichi laid eyes on the food, his stomach immediately began growling, loud enough for him and Yukako to hear. The purple-eyed girl gave a sweet smile towards the short boy and said, "Koichi? Are you hungry now, breakfast is almost ready, okay?"

"Yeah...okay." He said. He was terrified at the situation he was in. But he knew he couldn't do anything reckless. Not when Yukako's a Stand user. With how she had attacked him last night, her Stand proved to be rather deadly. 'I have to remember that she has that hair Stand. There's no fighting it, so I have to find an opening and run. It's my only hope.' He thought to himself.

"Hey, I have a question. Can you answer it?" Koichi asked her.

"I'll try." She says while preparing a copious breakfast.

"Well, uh, it's about what your hair did last night. How...did you do that?" He asked.

"Were you surprised? Silly me, I suppose the first time would startled anyone." Yukako said. "It was around February, somebody shot an arrow into my chest. Though it was possible I was dreaming it, when I woke up it was as if my wound had never existed and I had this power."

'Keicho Nijimura.' Koichi thought. That meant that she was one of the many Stand users he had shot with the bow and arrow for his father. "So do you know anyone else with special powers like yours?" He asked.


Good. That means she doesn't know that Koichi was also a Stand user. He can use that to his advantage to escape as long as she doesn't find out. The best thing he can do right now have the advantage of surprise and play along with this demented game house-play.

"Have a seat if you would, you are a growing boy, right? But if you don't eat probably, you'll never become the outstanding man I know you can be." Yukako told him with a sweet smile. Koichi, after swallowing his nervousness, fakes his optimism and walks to take a seat at the table. "This looks amazing! Oh boy!" He says as he picks up a loaf of bread and butter knife, preparing to eat when the crazy lady suddenly said, "Not so fast mister, we need to talk."

Koichi was a bit confused but freaked when she pulled out his English test. "You failed your English test. While I acknowledge there's more to a man than his intelligence, this pitiful score is unacceptable. To prepare you for the next test, you're going to study while you eat breakfast, okay?" Koichi was left dumbfounded when Yukako placed three boxes on the table, Boxes A, B and C. Meaning these questions that she no doubt has planned will be multiple choice.

"Now, for a few questions, select the best answer from among the boxes. The box you choose holds your next meal." She said.

"Wait, hold on a minute-."

"You'll do what I say! And as long as you're living in this house, your life must constantly revolve around your betterment, agreed?" Yukako said, taking a strict tone and leaving no room for an argument. When Koichi made no attempt to, Yukako switched back to being (sickly) sweet and began the quiz.

"On to the question. In Prince's lyrics, he uses words 'Funky music' and I want the best Japanese translation. A: Kanki no ongaku (Jubilant Music). B: Genshi no ongaku (Primal Music). C: Gensō no ongaku (Illusionary Music)." She said.

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