Chapter 18: We Picked Up Something Crazy!

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Cafe Rengatei was rather empty today. The only patrons being four teens, a young married couple, a representative of a billion-dollar company and an elderly man. Jotaro, who had summoned everyone, had something very important to show them. He lifted a silver case, placing in on the table. As he opened it, he revealed the bow and arrow that could give people Stands.

"So you managed to get the bow and arrow back, huh?" Josuke said.

"Yeah, I found it in Akira's apartment. He'd been using his Stand to help himself with whatever he wanted. It all totalled up to be 500 million yen and the police are already on it." Jotaro said. Hikari smiled at her husband as she thought back to when she went to prison with him to see Otoishi. He had threatened Otoishi and, she had to admit it, was rather comical watching how the teen cowered before her husband going into the fetal position in his cell, saying "You can't lay a finger on me while I'm in here." It reminded her of her high school days with Jotaro.

"Chili Pepper has been retired. Even if he broke out, I'd doubt he attack us." Jotaro said.

"Mr. Jotaro, what about the bow and arrow?" Koichi asked.

"It's going to the Speedwagon Foundation for analysis. If things go the way we want, we'll unlock the mystery of Stands." Kakyoin told him. "My wife is gonna have a field day with this one when she gets word of it."


"That's fantastic! After you're done, all of this will be over. It feels weird celebrating but, woo-hoo! We cracked the case!" Koichi cheered.

"We're still questioning Otoishi about the other Stand users. There's no way of knowing just how many he had awakened. So please, everyone, stay on your guard and stay safe." Hikari told them. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"The Japanese sure know how to make a cup of joe." Joseph said as he sets his cup down. "Waitress, refill please!" As Joseph lifted his hand to call the waitress, he ended up knocking the cup off the table.

"Careful! Pay attention." Josuke said. He shot out of his chair and caught the cup before it hit the ground. "I swear your such a klutz. I can't turn around for one second." He said as he set the cup back on the table. Saya couldn't help but smile at the interaction.

"Josuke, it's almost time for the bus, isn't it?" Koichi asked him.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess you're right." Josuke said as he turned to Joseph. "Come on, get up. We got to go." Josuke helped his father up and the two headed for the bus stop.

"Do you think those two will be okay?" Koichi pondered. "I'm kinda worried."

Jotaro just hummed taking a drink from his cup. "I wouldn't worry too much about them. They'll be fine, they just need to spend some time together that's all." Hikari told the shorter male. Okuyasu, who didn't know how to read a room, happily ate his cake. "Holy cannoli!! This is the yummiest cake I ever tasted! Waitress, I want some more please!" He shouted.

"Way to wreck the mood, dumbass." Saya grumbled.

Later on in the day, Saya walked down the street heading towards Morioh's shopping district. Summer was quickly approaching which meant Saya was gonna need a swimsuit. She briefly wondered if her father was planning on taking a trip to their summer home again this year. It would be nice actually, at least then they'll get some peace and quiet. A small break from the chaos she's been experiencing would be gladly welcomed.

But then again, said chaos hasn't been so bad. Not entirely. Because she got something good out of it. Great friends, her father's been much happier as of late, Airi's been coming around for a visit from time to time. 'And best of all I got to meet a cool and adorable guy. I wonder if I could invite him with us?' She thought with a small giggle when she suddenly stopped and her face began to heat up. "Huh? Wh-why am I thinking about him all of sudden?" Saya asked herself.

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