Chapter 26: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1

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Saya sighed as she walked down the street. Ever since Koichi informed her about the serial killer living in Morioh, she'd been doing her own research on the matter. "I can't believe it. A man's been killing for so long and not a single person in this town has noticed. Tons of people have disappeared from this town, and they've all been chalked up to being runaways. I mean how can no one be concerned that people are just vanishing."

Saya continued to think as she turned a corner. "I guess it's as dad used to say back when he was still active in his gang. 'People walk around with their heads so far up their own ass they can't notice the world around them.'" She said as she crossed her arms.

"Bringing up one of Uncle's favourite quotes like that means that there's something seriously wrong going on." A familiar voice said. Saya turned around and smiled when she saw Airi walking up to her. The two smile and greeted each other. "Hey there, Ai. How's it going?" Saya asked.

"I'm alright. But I don't think that's as important as what you're thinking right now." Airi tells her younger cousin with a knowing look. "Let me guess. There's a serial killing loose in Morioh."

"How'd you-?"

"Rohan told me about a few days ago. He also told me about the ability you guys have called Stands. I'll admit it was hard to believe at first, but I've known Rohan long enough he wouldn't make up stuff like that." Airi said. Saya let out a sigh and the two began walking together.

"Well since you're aware, yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking about." Saya said. Glancing up the peaceful, close-knit town she had seen when she first came here. She moved here under the impression that she could get a fresh start on her life. But ever since she's been struck with that arrow, it's been nothing but a cycle of insanity, bringing a murderer into the mix wasn't helping at all.

"There's a dangerous person living in Morioh and no one seems to realise that. And every day more and more lives are being taken. What's worse is that these killings have gone completely unnoticed for years. It's actually kind of terrifying." Saya told her cousin. "We also have no way in tracking down this guy no matter how hard we try. In fact, we have no idea how many Stand users are in Morioh. We don't even know if this murderer is a Stand user."

"I see." Airi said as she went into a thinking posture. "So that's why Rohan was so adamant on me staying out of it."

"What?!" Saya yelled out.

"Ah, sorry... When Rohan told me about this murderer, he also told me about the connection he had about the ghost girl he and Koichi meant. At the time, I had no idea about Stands or Stand users and I wanted to help him out in tracking him. ...But then he got this look on his face." Airi said as she recalled their conversation a few days prior. Rohan might have sounded crazy but from the way he spoke made her believe he was telling the truth. When he brought up Reimi and his intent on finding her killer, Airi wanted to be there with him and help. But that's when Rohan suddenly snapped at her. He gripped her shoulders and told her to never do such a thing and to stay out of it. He was practically begging her to stay away. Airi had never seen her fiancé be so worried. Airi held one of his hands and promised him she won't get involved.

"So to put him at ease, I told him that I wouldn't do anything to get involved in this mess. But still, I liked to be more informed about this." Airi said to Saya.

"Yeah. I get what you mean, and good. It's safer if you and my dad stayed out this. If he was just some normal man we'd've easily take him out, but we don't know that. No one in this town is worried about some silent killer coming after them. They're too busy wondering what they'll have for dinner. Everyone is too blind to what's going on outside their immediate few." Saya said.

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