Chapter 17: Red Hot Chili Pepper, part 3

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"Saya!" Josuke and Koichi cried out. A thud was heard as Saya's body hit the ground. Steam wafted from her body as she laid on the floor, unmoving while several sparks of electricity flew out. Otoishi smirked and pointing at Josuke. "Aww, how sweet, taking the attack for her friend. Looks like girly is done for good, I'll make sure to beat you Josuke before you heal her with Shining Diamond."

"Never overlook a few details before you start bragging." Otoishi's eyes winded when he saw Saya rise from the ground, the electrical sparks swirled around her, seemingly bending to her will. She looked at the sparks before sending a smirk at Otoishi as her Stand came out. Her Stand let out a yell as the very same electricity that Chili Pepper attacked her with flared and swirled around her. "Hahaha, awesome! Looks there's more to my Stand than meets the eye! I wasn't sure if I knew the full capabilities of her but since I was able to block that attack, I think I'm fairly confident on my abilities!!"

Otoishi clenched his teeth, glaring at Saya who just sent him a smirk back. Chili Pepper attacked and Blazing Gold fought back matching the fast Stand punch for punch. "Sh-She's moving so fast!" Koichi gasped. "That's right! Blazing Gold's, not only incredibly fast, but can conduct and control lighting and create electric shocks too!" Josuke said as he remembered how her Stand works during their fight with Keicho. "That's why she wasn't affected by the attack!"

"HA!!" Blazing Gold shouted, giving Chili Pepper a roundhouse kick. The Stand blocked the attack before punching Blazing Gold in the stomach. The turquoise-haired Stand just smiled as she quickly grabbed hold of it and absorbed its electricity. "You're going to do a lot better than that," Saya shouts as Blazing Gold lifted her leg. "If you wanna take me down!" She struck Chili Pepper in the face propelling the Stand back.

"Alright, Saya!" Koichi cheered.

"You bitch!" Otoishi shouted. He turned his head and set his sights on Koichi. He smirked sending Chili Pepper after the shorter male. "Koichi!" Saya moved quickly putting herself between Koichi and Chili Pepper. Chili Pepper let out a powerful electrical punch, the girl was sent flying back. She crashed into a forklift crushing the thing.

"Saya!" Josuke ran over as the girl tried to set herself up. " one hurt." Saya said as she groaned in pain. Josuke reached Saya and helped her up just as a smirking Chili Pepper appeared before them.

"Hehehehehe, is it sinking in yet? This entire town's electrical power is at my disposal! And to really drive the point home, I'll be sure to charge my electric bill for the month to your address! Hahahaha!" Chili Pepper charged going to attack Josuke and Saya. "It's light's out!" Before the attack could land something latched onto Chili Pepper. "Huh?! Is that a tire?!" The rubber tire from the forklift Saya had been thrown into was reforming around Chili Pepper.

Josuke helped Saya up as he said, "Just as I expected, you were too dense to figure it out." The tire finished up sealing Chili Pepper inside. "Now I understand, you blew up that tire on purpose! It was all a part of your plan to entombed my Stand in rubber!" Otoishi shouted.

"Of course! Rubber is an insulator, so it doesn't conduct electricity! Chili Pepper is powerless in there!" Koichi said while Chili Pepper banged around inside the tire, trying to get out. "Alright, we just have to wait for Jotaro now!" Koichi said.

"Just kidding."


Otoishi smirked as he pulled out a blue guitar pick. "A good idea but that's not gonna work on me. Heh, your plan might've succeeded had the rubber been a meter thick but this flimsy excuse doesn't even register as a threat! So let me show some real power, dumbass!" He shouted. Koichi jumped as Chili Pepper easily punched a hole through the rubber of the tire.

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