Chapter 51: July 15th (Thursday), Part 6

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July 15th (THU) 4:10 PM

With no other options (and knowing that Josuke and Okuyasu would never help him), Rohan is forced to contact Koichi and Saya for aid. He dialled up Koichi's home number and anxiously waited for him to pick it up. All the while, he covered his other ear to try and block out Cheap Trap's annoyingly grating voice.

"Calling your friends for help isn't going to work. You have some photos to burn now, yes?" Cheap Trap says as he clings harder on Rohan's back.

The phone kept on ringing, seemingly endlessly as Rohan was desperate for someone- anyone to answer. It rang as Koichi finally returned home, noticing the phone going off.

July 15th (THU) 5:30 PM

"Alright, I'm heading out for a bit." Jotaro says as he swung his bag over his shoulder.

"Hm? Where are you running off too?" Joseph asked.

"To go and find our lead as soon as possible. Kakyoin and I will investigate where each missing person was last seen." Jotaro says as he holds the list of missing people in Morioh. Hikari looked at her husband in concern and got up to cup his cheek. "Are you sure you two will be alright? I don't want you to get hurt." She tells him. Jotaro reached up and held her hand. "We'll be fine, we won't be gone for very long. No one can escape from their innate personality for very long." Jotaro said. He kissed Hikari's forehead and promised her he'll be back soon before heading out.

Around the same time, Kira was making his way down the streets of Morioh. His nails were now becoming increasingly long and his self-control was being put to the test. Sooner or later, he will make his move.

July 15th (THU) 4:52 PM

As soon as school was let out, Hayato immediately ran out into the streets and took out his camera. Running through the town of Morioh to find his "father" and try again to collect hard evidence that he isn't all he appeared to be. For his and his mother's sake. 'I'll catch him. I'll find proof that he's not my real dad. I will!' Hayato vowed to himself. He knew the man posing as his father was extremely dangerous and a monster. He needed to stop him and he'll do whatever it takes to see it through. If he's lucky, he'll also find that girl with the different coloured eyes and get her help.

July 15th (THU) 4:43 PM

Koichi had gotten in contact with Rohan and after hearing him out, he rushed over to his home to see what was going on. Worried that an enemy Stand user had attacked him. He rang the doorbell and heard Rohan calling out from inside. "It's open. Come in."

With his permission, Koichi entered the home and was greeted by Airi. "Koichi, I'm glad you were able to come." She said, looking relieved to see him which further concerned the young boy. "Miss Airi, where's Rohan-sensei?" He asked.

"Over here, Koichi."

The young boy turned was taken aback to see Rohan sitting in the corner of the room, beside the door, and covering his ears with a haunting expression on his face. Seeing him like this kicked things into overdrive and was his brain was wracked with questions. "Rohan-sensei! Why are you in the corner? When you ask me over here, you didn't say you were in panic mode!" Koichi says, taking a few steps towards him but Airi moved quickly and placed herself in between the two. Keeping Koichi at a safe distance. But this only confused Koichi even further.

"Careful." She told him.

"Please, Koichi, I need your help. I'm in the grasp of an enemy Stand." Rohan tells Koichi. Now fully understanding the situation, Koichi was now on guard and looked around the main foyer. "What?! A Stand's in here?! Where is it? What's it do?" Kochi frantically asked. Rohan moved to stand up and Airi turned her gaze away just a bit. 

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