Chapter 25: Take a Chance. It's a Leap of Faith

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*Ring ring*

*Ring ring*

"Saya! Could you get that?" Hajime called from the other room. He was in the middle of his latest project so he couldn't afford to get distracted right now. Saya put down her book and walked out of the living room to answer the phone. "Got it!" She yelled out and she picked up the phone. "Hello? Yukimori residence." She said. Her voice was so calm. On the other end, a calm, strict and sophisticated voice answered, "Saya. My dear, I am well aware you know who this is."

At that moment, Saya's eyes widened in rage. Her heart twisted itself and became a heavyweight on her chest. Her face contorted itself in anger and Saya quickly went into another room to keep her father from listening in. He didn't need to hear this. "And I wish I didn't, you disgusting piece of shit. How the hell did you even get this number?!" The odd-eyed girl hissed out.

"Don't you dare speak to me that way! You should be treating me with respect!" The person snapped.

Saya's eyes darkened in colour as anger bottled up inside her. "Asshole, respect is earned, not demanded. And after what you did, you don't get the right."

"You're saying that after all I've done for you?"

"What you-?! You tried to tear my father apart! Just because you "done things for me" doesn't excuse you from all the bullshit you've put us through! Why are you calling anyway?!" Saya shouted.

The person on the other end let out huffed and composed themselves, "Why are you getting so angry? Can't I just call my beautiful girl and see how she is doing?"

Saya rolled her eyes at that. "You've never once called for my well-being. In fact, you've never bothered to care."

Once again, the person huffed, "Matters aside, I'm calling because I want to see if you're willing to reconnect again."

Saya's eyes became darker and her yankee persona was beginning to rise. "Listen you b-."

The person interrupted, "Now, I know the last time we were together had ended off terribly and I felt so guilty about it. But I want a chance to see and get back together with you. I miss you so much. Saya, do you have any idea how much I love y-."

It was then when Saya, being the Silver-eye Wolf, exploded. "You can go to hell for all I care, you selfish bitch!! I refuse, REFUSE, to even see you!! I don't know why I'm still talking to you!! You're acting as if what you did to us didn't happen!! What the fuck is your problem?! What makes you think I'll even consider seeing you again! I don't know how you got this number, but I don't care!! Don't ever call again and if you try to come looking for me, I swear to God, I will murder you!!" The young teen stormed back and slammed the phone down before that person could have a chance to respond. Saya sped upstairs to her room, slammed her door close and began taking her anger out on the punching bag.

"That!" Saya delivered a strong roundhouse. "Stupid!" She strikes the punching bag with a direct punch. "FUCKER!!" She continued to punch and kick the punching bag with all her strength until one good kick managed to tear off ifs hinges from the ceiling and sending it crashing against the wall. The anger she had begun to subside leaving the girl emotionally torn and exhausted. She sat down on her bed and buried her head in her hands and let the angry tears fall.

"Saya?" The girl gasped and looked up to see Hajime standing near her door. He stood there with a mixture of shock and worry when he saw the state his daughter was in. He looked over at the punching bag and knew that there was only one thing that could cause that much anger. Immediately the man shook his head in shock and went to his daughter. "Saya... Oh, my little girl...I'm so sorry." He said as he hugged her. Tears continued to fall as Saya held on tight to her father.

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