Chapter 33: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 1

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Four days pass since everyone found out about Shigechi's murder. Thing's have been fairly quiet since then but....there's still a killer lurking somewhere in the shadows of this town. When it comes down to it, the mind only sees what it wants to. The look of guilt and innocence is in the eye of the beholder.

A discourage Koichi walks down the streets of Morioh as many thoughts ran through his mind. A serial killer was running loose in Morioh and while they know that he's a Stand user, they have no idea who he is or what he looks like. While mopping around with his thoughts, he was pulled out of them when he runs into a familiar couple.

Jotaro wore a white trenchcoat with light purple and yellow tessellated cuffs. Underneath, Jotaro wears a small, open, lapel-less light purple vest with alternating circles and crosses over a black turtleneck with the palm emblem on the neck. His white hat has a row of black Venus symbols (♀) with an arrow at the bottom of the cross, that way, making them resemble anchors, along with another palm emblem. He wore two purple belts with a yellow buckle with a small pouch attached to the bottom and purple and black shoes.

 Hikari wore a white Chinese qipao with grey trim, a blue-grey coloured bow tied at the back of her head and a matching ribbon of her right wrist, and white heeled shoes.

They were both looking intently at Jotaro's notebook when Koichi decided to make his presence known. "Oh, u-uh, hi there Mr. Jotaro. Ms. Hikari." He said. The couple turned and the golden-haired woman gave a friendly smile to the smaller male. "Hello Koichi, how do you do?" She greeted.

"I'm fine. Did anything weird stick out to you guys during your investigation?" Koichi asked. "You remember right? You said something about examinating the murderer's button?"

"Oh that. Not yet, hopefully, that changes soon." Jotaro said as he puts away his notebook and he and Hikari make their leave. "Yeah, it'll be a great help." Koichi says as he accompanies the two on their search for someone who may have repaired a jacket with similar buttons. Koichi walked beside the couple, suddenly feeling like a third wheel, in total silence. Koichi could feel the atmosphere weighing heavy while, looking over at Hikari, looked happy as she held her husband's arm.

"So, guys headed anywhere in particular?" Koichi asked.

"Hmm? No. Not really, we're just walking." Jotaro says.

"Oh, I see."

And just like that everything fell back to that unnerving silence and the atmosphere was getting heavier. Koichi looked over at Hikari and admired the woman for being happy with it all. Then again she had said she had grown up with the guy so it would make sense, but still how does she deal with this?! did she ended up married to someone like Jotaro?

'Son of a bitch... Getting the strong, silent type to chat is like pulling teeth. Rohan-sensei's pushiness is unsettling but Jotaro's silence sends me into a panic. I'm starting to think Ms. Hikari and Ms. Airi have the most bizarre taste in men. Even so, there's got to be something we can talk about. Let's see...' Koichi thought to himself as he thought about many different conversation-starters that might catch Jotaro's interest when he finally settled on one.

"I think that coat of yours is badass!" Koichi said as he pointed over to Jotaro's coat. Or at least, he would've been if the couple hadn't stopped to look at a sigh tapped to a window just a little ways behind him. "Looks like we found a shoe store." Jotaro said as Koichi walked over to them.

"Huh, what do you know. It is a shoe store, good catch. Uh, is something wrong?" Koichi asked.

"It says that this shop specializes in tailoring." Hikari said, referring to the sigh tapped on the window.

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