Chapter 22: Let's Go Hunting! part 2

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Hikari and Saya made their way into the house through the back door, where they ran into Jotaro. Sapphire eyes when wide as Hikari covered her mouth in shock. "Jotaro!" She squealed.

"Aw crap!" Saya said. Jotaro had a run-in with the rat too. His hand was slowly dissolving. Saya was impressed by how Jotaro still kept his calm composure while his flesh was rotting away. "That rat must be fast as hell to be able to get the jump on you." Saya said.

"I could have dodged it but I grabbed the needle to figure out its effects," Jotaro explained. Hikari took in Jotaro's melting hand and was internally panicking. She was able to heal Saya's arm no problem, but that was because it was still salvageable. Based on what she was seeing, the effects of the needle was happening way too fast for her to do it alone. "I cannot heal something like this by myself, it's happening too fast. We need to find Josuke." Hikari said. Jotaro nodded his head, agreeing with her. They walked through the house searching for the teen, keeping a watchful eye out for the rat all the while.

"Hey, Jotaro, get over here. I took out the rat! The hunt is over." They heard Josuke call out. The group made their way to the kitchen. They walked in seeing the place dishevelled. Saya had to run back out of the room holding her stomach. The owners of the farmhouse were in the house, but they were turned into a flesh cube stored in the refrigerator, they were still alive too. It seems like Saya's stomach couldn't handle such a sight.

"Jeez, what were you doing in there?" Josuke spoke to Jotaro. "You went missing right when I needed you the most. I was starting to think you abandoned me. But hey! At least it's dead, luckily everything went according to plan. Well, for me that is, our rat friend wasn't so fortunate." Josuke said. Jotaro bent down studying the dead rat Josuke had killed.

"It's Stand-." Josuke began to say before Hikari placed a hand on his arm. "It can shoot out these small needles that'll melt your flesh if they hit you, is that correct?" Hikari asked him. "Yeah, how did you know?" Josuke asked. "Because Saya was hit by it as well, don't worry she's alright, but..." Hikari paused as she looked at the fridge. "It seems like the owners of the farmhouse were victims of the rat's Stand too."

"They're still alive. I'll fix them right up with Shining Diamond." Josuke said. Jotaro finally stood up. "If we don't eliminate him by sundown, things might get even messier."

"Huh?" Josuke said, confused. Jotaro held up his hand to show him what he meant. "There was another rat and that one managed to hit me." Josuke let out a frightful and disgusted gasp as he looks at Jotaro's hand. "Jotaro, your hand is melting!!"

"Exactly, the one that attacked me and Saya had run back around the house and attacked Jotaro on its way in." Hikari said.

"I could've dodged the attack but I thought catching the needle for analysis was the best choice. All it takes is a touch and it's Stand's poison begins to permeate. Even melting other Stands. Five or six hits and you'll turn into a quivering mass of flesh." Jotaro said. Josuke cringed staring at Jotaro's rotting hand as pus began to spew out. 'Uuuggghh...good thing that needle didn't hit me...! Never thought I'd be grateful for being squeamish.' Josuke thought to himself as he let out a sigh, a look of relief appeared on his face.

"The rat bolted out the door after hitting me with the needle. Somehow, it must've figured out that you killed its kin here in the kitchen. Since it had a run-in with Hikari and Saya, it most likely left the perimeter of the farmhouse knowing it couldn't hide outside." Jotaro said as Hikari walked over and held her husband's melting hand. She looked over at Josuke and asked, "Josuke? I'm sorry to bother you, but would you help me to heal Jotaro's hand, please?"

"A-ah, not to worry, just leave it to me!" Josuke said, bringing out Shining Diamond. As Shining Diamond and Soundless Voice worked together to restore Jotaro's hand, a bitter thought ran through Josuke's head. 'Damn it! Why those little S.O.B's have to multiply?!' Sometime later, Jotaro pulled out a phone and called the Speedwagon Foundation to get more info from Otoishi.

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