Chapter 28: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 3

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Once outside the bank, once again, Shigechi decided to have everything for his own. "Whoo! Happy day, I got my money! It was a lot of hard work but now I'm 5,000,000 yen richer!" Shigechi exclaimed as he held up the promissory note, shocking his seniors by the return of his greedy nature.

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?! You promised we'd get half of that lottery money! Shigechi!" Okuyasu shouted at the portly boy. Shigechi stopped laughing and turned to the others with a pretend look of confusion. "Did I say that? I don't recall." He said. "You're gonna. try and pull that shit again?!" Okuyasu shouted as he was about to rush him but Josuke put his arm in front of Okuyasu. "What are you doing, Josuke! Why are you holding me back?! Don't tell me you're letting this rolly-polly shitbag get away with it!"

"Oh no, he's not getting off scot-free this time. This kid's gloves are coming off, Shigechi." Josuke declared. Of course, Shigechi wasn't remotely fazed by this.  "Now that's what I'm taking about. I knew you wouldn't back down from a fight! Especially when there's so much on the line!" Okuyasu said.

"So you just up and decided not to split the money anymore, is that it? Sorry, but that's not gonna fly when it comes to this kind of cash." Josuke said. Shigechi dug into his pockets and pulled out two 10,000 yen bills, for...compensation of course. "Here. This should get you, two beggars, off my back." He said, irking Josuke and Okuyasum as well as Saya as she was getting irritated with him. "It's not like you did anything to deserve this money. Think of this handout as a pity payment from your friendly neighbourhood-." Okuyasu had finally lost it. He rushed in a delivered a solid punch to Shigechi's face, propelling the middle schooler back a few feet. "Son of a bitch!"

"Whoa! No, Okuyasu, don't!"


Okuyasu ran over to the fallen Shigechi. "You jerkoff! Give it here!" He shouted as he snatched the promissory note from Shigechi. "You promised us half the winnings, so half is what we're gonna get! Don't make me say it again! You got off easy today, greedy bastard!" Josuke and Saya ran over and pulled Okuyasu away, as well as making sure Shigechi was okay. "The hell were you thinking, Okuyasu?" Saya questioned.

"You always go straight to using your fists. You gotta control yourself." Josuke said.

"Talking wasn't gonna work on him, so I thought some manhandling would do the trick!" Okuyasu said.

Josuke shook his head at his friend and looked over to Shigechi. "You're not hurt too bad, are you? I want to apologise for Okuyasu, he never should've hit you. But this just proves it. Our partnership isn't working out so I think we'll hold onto the promissory note. That'll be the best move for everyone involved. We'll cash it in three days as planned after that's done, we'll split the money the way we said and you'll get half." Shigechi didn't move from his spot on the ground as Okuyasu, Saya and Josuke walked away.

"Good riddance, I am so over of that asshole! There's no way in hell you'll catch me hanging out with that guy anymore." Okuyasu said.

"I hear ya. But when you stopped to think about it, we were the ones trying to exploit him for pocket money. We should consider what that says about us." Josuke said.

"I was wondering when you'll reach that conclusion." Saya said.

"You moron. That's not how I see this situation at all. The only reason he got his filthy mitts on the five million was cause we helped him. Without us, he'd be lucky to get a few thousand but instead, he gets to walk away with 2.5 million yen." Okuyasu explained. Okuyasu and Josuke stopped walking taking in what Okuyasu just said. "2.5 Million yen! YYEEAAHH!!!" They bought bellowed. "Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money!"

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