Chapter 58: Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart, Part 1

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"You're done! Nothing you got compares to these guys' righteous hearts! They're gonna make you pay! Can you feel it, Yoshikage Kira?! The truth is staring you right in the face! You're nothing compared to them!" Hayato strongly declares to the hidden killer. Kira was cornered, there were only three escape routes, and they were all blocked. The man was trapped like a rat. To his left, Jotaro, Hikari, Rohan, Airi, Koichi, Kakyoin, and Nemuru. To his were two fire trucks and an ambulance. Right in front of him Josuke, Okuyasu, Hayato, and Saya. Yoshikage Kira was trapped.

"This has to be a bad dream...." Kira almost choked out the words. He still refuses to believe that the current situation he was in, was anything but real. This can't be real. This can't be real, it's not real. "There's no other explanation. Things like this just don't happen to me, it's impossible. Such an outrage would befall me only in a dream." Kira's once steady and calm demeanour started to crack as his words were filled with despair and disbelief.

"Nah, it's the real deal, and you're going down!" Okuyasu said.

"I guess this means your good fortune's run out." Josuke said.

"I'm going to enjoy breaking off your limps piece by piece." Saya stated.

"You're through, murderer." Hayato said as Kira, overwhelmed by his injuries fell to his knees.

"Look, Josuke's been clobbered to a bloody mess." Koichi said.

"Given the state of his injuries, it seems they've been battling a little while now. Which means we're looking at..." Rohan began to say.

"The one and only. Yoshikage Kira." Jotaro finished. Kira had fallen to his hands and knees due to his wounds. His injuries were only getting worse as he profusely bled on the street. While he struggled to hold himself up an EMT spotted him and she started to make her way over. "We've got a bleeder over here! Someone bring over an ambulance and get a stretcher now! Sir, can you hear me?! If you can hear me, there's an ambulance on the way. Rest assured, you're in very good hands." As she got closer to the bleeding Kira, Hayato let out a scream.

"Don't do it!! Get away from her!" He shouted, quickly alerting the others. The woman bent down in front of Kira and tried her best to comfort him. "We'll be taking you to the hospital momentarily, just stay with me alright?" Kira reached up towards the woman with a trembling hand. The woman, with such caring nature, went to grab it. "Don't worry, you'll be fine." When her hand was within reach, Kira snatched it. Holding her hand in a tight grip.

Dread and fear for the woman shot through the three teens as they quickly realized what Hayato was so worried for. "No, we were too slow!" Hayato shouted. Deadly Queen slowly came out, hovering over Kira's back as it touched the EMT woman. "Kira's already turned that medical lady into a bomb!" Hayato exclaimed. Everyone gritted their teeth each one trying to figure out how to go about the new situation. The woman held up three fingers in front of Kira. "How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked.

"Jotaro, it's time to use Star Platinum." Rohan whispered.

"I'm well aware. But I'm not close enough for it to be effective. At this distance, stoping time is useless, he's too far away to damage. I need to get at least five meters closer to him." Jotaro explained.

"So he's gonna hold her hostage as a human bomb. Go ahead and blow her up if you're so bad! I'll fix her faster than you can say, Deadly Queen!" Josuke shouted. His outcries caught the woman's attention as she cast her gaze over to the group. Hayato grabbed onto Josuke's jacket, clinging to the teen. "Josuke, just keep your cool! Kira blowing up the hostage is the least of our worries! I couldn't tell you before but he's been hiding a secret power! It's called Bites the Dust, and he can use it to obliterate time!" Hayato shouted. The Stardust Crusaders and the Morioh group were taken aback by this new piece of information. Things had just gotten so much worse.

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